Dont tease

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I hate it when people guess my crush.

And today someone got it right, and wrong. Aanish... you are so dead!

He told me he has this thing called 'deductive reasoning' where he guessed everyone's crush.

He knows mine, but thank god he won't tell.

Anyway, now that me and Dev were on speaking terms, we were talking again in English when Anna came over.

And you won't imagine what she said.


You're kidding me.

First Aaniya, now Deviya??


He simply looked at her and told me,"Don't listen to her."

Of course I wasn't listening.

I didn't like being teased with someone who wasn't my crush.

And if I was teased with the right person, my new nickname would be beetroot.

I'm not joking.

We continued our conversation when the bell rang.

We packed our bags and went for our busses.

Me and Dev had one same habit.

We always walked alone for the bus. I mean he has friends but he just walks alone.

You already know the reason why.

I sat down in the last seat of the bus when Aanish jumped right next to me.

I peeked at him and saw that he was looking at me. "I recognise you", is what he said.

Idiot, stupid, duck.

"Obvi. I'm in your class."

He nodded his head and said,"Ah. The girl that Dev ignores me for. The reason he hit me in the things."

I snickered and remembered,"Oh. That's because I ignored him."

He shook his head,"He hit his own best friend for you. He must really like you."

I shuddered at the thought. He was my bro, he can't lie to me.

Besides, I do have someone else that I like.

And he doesn't like me.

Leave, I felt like I could confess to him.

So I told him, and couldn't stop myself.

He raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything rude.

He helped me, I thought he might tease.

I smiled at him, I had another friend.

And he was still there for me now.

He understands me, and helps me, in his own warped way.

He obviously teases me, which is annoying, but I find something in him which I can't relate to in others.

When he was rude to me, I told him to stop and he listened.

He makes me laugh in my worst times, he's the one I need.

We fight, but then... people who care for each other alway fight.

You know one weird thing?

Once, he bumped his leg into a random table.

And I got pain in the exact same place.

Weird right?

I told Stella about it, and she said we were like weird kinds of twins.

Thank god Aanish doesn't know, he doesn't need to.

Plus, his love life was similar to mine.

He had a crush and then left her and fell in love with someone else.

And then left her too.

Same thing here.

But what can I do?

I asked him once, if he thought of me like a sister, and he said no, and changed the conversation.

I left it, knowing that he knew me as a friend, and that is what I need.

He broke his ankle in front of me, and I cried in front of him.

We had our ups and downs, nevertheless he was there, the angel of my nightmare.

I'm holding on, why is everything so heavy?

My description of me, and its the line of my fave song.


It relates, just like Stitches, and Bad Blood(not the rap version).

All thanks to him.

Thank you Aanish.

You may not be reading this, but that's because I hope you already know. Plus, this is my diary, he shouldn't read this.

I'm in love, or not, just care for me all the same... please.

You've been there for me.

I know I'm not the centre of the universe, but you keep spinning around me just the same.

Keep spinning with me, like the world just disappeared.

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