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Day 3 —Write about the worst time you’ve ever put your foot in your mouth.

For this one, I'm not going exactly about the rules. Trust me on this.

I'm going to write you an advice letter about putting 'your foot in your mouth' First off; it isn't a literal term, it's an idiom. An Idiom is (by definition) 'an expression that cannot be understood from the meanings of its separate words but that has a separate meaning of its own.' To put your foot in your mouth (by definition) means  'to do/say something that causes embarrassment.'


As a writer, challenges like this are done to test the abilities of the writer, to test what they do, test what they love. Let me be deathly honest about this piece, it has been so far the most difficult and messy to write. It started out unorganized and at first I had an actual story for this because I didn't want to write about myself. I don't enjoy nonfiction. I want to escape things when I write or read. 

Here I am, though writing you nonfiction. Writing you my personal experiences. I ask that you don't judge this piece, because challenges are supposed to get you out of your comfort zone. Challenges are built to improve. So, let me bend the rules. 

This challenge says to write about the worst time you put your foot in your mouth, or said something to embarrass yourself. Here is the horrible truth; I am not perfect, I mess up. To talk metaphorically, my foot probably spends more time in my mouth than in my shoes, (I usually am embarrassed, I mess up!) The thing about this is, I can't write about the worst time, because I don't think I've ever categorized my embarrassments as embarrassment. 

If you do not know me, or have never talked to me, you wont know the simple fact that I joke around. I am in no way opposed to making fun of myself. I laugh at myself, at my mistakes, at my stupidity. I think that is the happiest way to live my life. I know how to be serious, I know how to cry and laugh and yell and whisper. All of these, though are necessary for LIVING. You have to laugh and cry and be serious and you have to know how to yell and talk and whisper. 

I lived my life boring. I've spent every second of every day planning and trying to not mess up. That was the worst time I've put my foot in my mouth. Not one time in particular, but the entire time I couldn't laugh at myself for it. 

Let me tell you how to fix this, how to live laughing. It's simple; You let go, you laugh at yourself. You stop trying to be perfect. You move on from your  mistakes. You will live happier, you will breathe easier. 

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