DAY 12

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Day 12 —What is your favorite day of the week?


First off; I would like to say it is a shame I didn't get to write about my favorite day, on my favorite day.

Now, getting to the actual story. My favorite day of the week is Friday, not because the "last day of work/school" thing, but because of the feeling of them. The reason my favorite day is Friday is because other people love it, and that sounds like I'm just going along with the crowd but that isn't it. At my school, study hall is at the very end of the day, and if you have ever been in this experience, Friday would be your favorite day too. Let me explain this to you.

You're in a classroom, approximately 5 minutes before the bell rings, everyone packs up and waits. This is the hard part, waiting. Then it happens, the bell rings and literally hundreds of teens come rushing out, and to see this picture right, you cant imagine it like we are all a heard of cattle, you have to imagine it like in the movies. Bright lights, slow motion, laughter among the haze, that is how you have to imagine it.

I love Friday because the feeling of other people loving Friday, also the experience I just described. 

So, very short entry, no wacky perspectives about society, just plain and simple. Also, I'm very tired. 

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