Day 10 —What do you want to be remembered for?
I hope you aven't been drinking before you decided to read this; because guess what honey, I write honestly. Be prepared to be sobered up.
If you asked me this question a year ago, my answer would have been completely different. I would have said to put some stupid quote on my gravestone. I would have been just like everyone else; no matter how rude I was when I was alive, how ignorant and mean I ever was to anyone, I would want to be remembered heroically, poetically. Not anymore.
If you have been reading this challenge all the way through, you know I write truthfully. (Unless, it is fictional stories, but they still include sobering truths that go completely against society and American culture.) If you have talked to me, you know I won't lie to you, I won't fake anything, I'll tell you exactly what I have to say, exactly what I believe, and why I do so. I am honest sometimes to the point of rudeness, I tell you what I think and I stick by it.
So here is my truthful answer; I want to be remembered exactly how I am. Truthfully, soberly, honestly, if you are writing a speech to say at my funeral; include the fact I was rude, include the fact I mess up daily, include truths, do not sugarcoat my death. It happened, you cant change that.
I want to be remembered in the way that goes against American Culture, I want to be remembered exactly. Do not leave out how I struggled, do not short me of my entirety. Most of all, do not remember me in a way I would have hated. Come back to this on the day of my death, and if I have been numbed in the next year, or 3 weeks, bury me or burn me, but do not lie about my existence.
The fact is, you remember someone in the polite way, don't so that for me. Let me be remembered like I was, do not romanticize my exit. Let me remain a sinner, let me remain sobering, let me remain how I was before you burned me or buried me or whatever. Let me go in the way I want to go. Because eventually, my funeral wont matter, they'll be a new iPhone and it will be fine for the next 3 generations. My sugary grave wont, so at least honor my wishes, because one day the future will replace me. Life always replaces death.
(Sorry if this was repetitive, but I wanted to get my point across.)
30 Day Writing Challenge
Poetrywrite something every day, even if it's terrible; link to this challenge : (if you would like a continuation of any story, please comment on that chapter and tel...