Day 23 —Pretend you’re a cartoon character. What type of a character would you be? What would a day in your life be like?
First off: I'd like to say this challenge is MADE for meghannhilton (Check her out, she is one of my very best friend; and she is doing this challenge also!)
Second off: I don't love watching cartoons, the only one I have ever enjoyed is Looney Tunes, so for this challenge, I am going to list some of my favorite characters (forgive me if I miss some, haven't seen the show in years!)
Tweety Bird (in Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries) - I'd spend my days running from a cat, trying to save my life.
Bugs Bunny- I'd spend my days running from Elmer Fudd, and eating carrots
Road Runner- Running from Wile E. Coyote.
Wile E. Coyote- Chasing Road Runner
I hope this is okay- because it's not my element!
30 Day Writing Challenge
Poesíawrite something every day, even if it's terrible; link to this challenge : (if you would like a continuation of any story, please comment on that chapter and tel...