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We walked through the forests and destruction around the base, I saw the jet Clint mentioned in the distance.

As we got closer, my uneasiness grew.

What if they were like them? What if they couldn't help me? What if I hurt someone I wasn't supposed to?

I hadn't realized it, but I'd stopped moving for a few moments.

There were a lot of people on the jet, some were standing around it too.

I flattened my ears and kept walking behind the two.

Clint was telling the man, he called Steve, about what all had happened, including me kidnapping him.

When we arrived at the mouth of the jet, I stopped a few feet from the ramp.

I saw two people inside that I didn't know, but I felt like I did.

I felt my eyes glaze over. I suddenly wasn't there anymore.
"Come on Radley! Free food, water and a place to stay!" Pietro said exasperatedly.

I shook my head, "No, something does not seem right. I am telling you to stay away from them." I told the two sternly.

Wanda was standing off to the side quietly. She never did want to take sides when it came to us.

Pietro seemed to snap, "You are not dad Radley!"

I was quick to snap back, "And I am not trying to be! I am trying to keep you both safe! That group cannot be safe!"
The rest of the memory blurred, my tail twitched and I took a few steps back.

I was hyperventilating and my panicking was only increasing.

Steve walked out of the jet and approached me, I reared on my back legs and gave a loud, panicked noise.

A familiar face that I remembered well from my time at HYDRA appeared from inside the jet.

He stood at the mouth of the jet, arms folded as he watched me.

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