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They had put me on a plane and flew me to where I assume was either somewhere in Europe or Asia.

I was put into a cage, like an animal, chained up and muzzled.

I heard the aircraft shutter as it started to descend.

I tensed, I was getting closer to whatever HYDRA had instore for me.

"Shift," I heard someone order as the cloth that had been draped over my cage was yanked away.

I did as they said, it wasn't like I had a choice, the words hadn't worn off.

The cage opened and the new handler snapped and pointed to the ground by his side.

I went to stand to meet his demands, but there was a noise of disapproval, I froze.

"You are a dog Hound. Act like it," the handler snapped, backhanding me across the face.

I sank down onto my hands and knees and crawled to where he had pointed.

He started to walk out of the jet and into the base, with me crawling beside him.

My mind started to scream as I saw the familiar chair.


"It has been a week and we still haven't found him!" Wanda cried, clinging to me.

Clint seemed to appear and hugged us both. "We will find him," he told us, "I promise."


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