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"Gonchaya? (Hound)" My attention snapped towards the Soldier, knowing what he'd said. Even if it was Russian.

My ears perked up and I shifted my weight.

"Zakhodi my... oni mogut tebe promoch. (Come inside, we... they can help you)".

I took a few steps forward, after having an internal debate, and looked at his face.

He had a small smile and beckoned me forward.

I started walking again and stopped in front of him, looking down.

"Ty sobirayesh'sya pozvolit' Bruce pochinit tebya? (Are you going to let Bruce fix you up)" He asked me.

I started walking deeper into the jet. I made sure to hit the Soldier in the mouth with my tail.

I heard him trying to spit out the hairs as I walked into a shadowy corner of the jet and laid down.

A man with curly blackish hair approached me, "He'll need to smell everything before you touch him with it," the Soldier informed.

I flared my nostrils as the man got closer and kneeled beside me.

He held out an open bottle of what looked like antiseptic and a roll of gauze.

I lay my head on the cold metal floor and shifted into a Belgian Malinois, startling everyone on the jet except for the Soldier and Clint.

The saddle slid off revealing my raw and bloody back. The man and a few others gave a sharp intake of breath.

I yawned, showing my teeth and a low growl.

They focused their attention elsewhere.

The Soldier walked over and sat beside me as the man dressed my wounds. The Soldier seemed to remember something while he stared at the saddle.

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