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When we finally got there, the jet was unlocked. I was pretty sure Pietro was lucid from blood loss.

"Weeeeee!" he exclaimed as I lowered my hindquarters to the ground, sliding him off my back.

I shifted into my human form, causing Pietro to gasp, "Are you magical?"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "I do not know what that means," I told him, digging through compartments for a med kit.

When I finally found one, Pietro was complaining about how he wanted a cat, "-fluffy kitty, don't you like fluffy kitties?"

I opened the med kit and got on my knees beside him, "If you be quiet and let me fix your leg I'll turn into a 'kitty' for you. How does that sound?" I asked glancing over at him.

He threw his arms into the air and fell back onto the floor with an audible thump.

He was still conscious, so I took it as a yes.
Five minutes later, the wound was stitched up and thickly wrapped in gauze, and Pietro didn't have any pants.

I grabbed one of the blankets they used when someone was in shock and draped it over him.

"You said you'd turn into a kitty," he slurred.

"I did didn't I?" I asked and shifted into a chestnut brown main coon kitten.

I hopped onto his chest and mewed at him.

"Kitty!" he exclaimed loudly and hugged me tightly to his chest. He eventually drifted off to sleep as the medicine, I practically shoved down his throat, kicked in.

I was slightly surprised that it worked, but then again, it did have his name on the bottle...

I was slightly surprised that it worked, but then again, it did have his name on the bottle

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