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I had been hiding in the vent system as a grey and black bengal house cat for two days.

Two days ago I told the Soldier what I remembered. I was scared that I would be wiped again for remembering.

I knew my fear was irrational, but it was still there.

I heard someone crawling around in the vent, getting closer to the larger crossroad of the vent shafts. I had a blanket in there that I'd taken, it didn't appear that anyone had noticed its disappearence.

A body crawled into my box of crossroads, it was Clint.

I puffed up my fur and growled. My blanket nest was warm, and I didn't want to leave it, but if he didn't leave I would.

"Calm down Radley, it's just me, I didn't know you were in here."

I highly doubted that, there were many vents in this building and he chose to go in the one I was in. I hissed at him.

He raised his hands in surrender and went into another vent shaft and crawled away.

I listened to his movements as they faded.

When I could no longer hear them, I allowed myself to drift off to sleep.
I walked back into the place Pietro, Wanda, and I had been staying in. It was empty.

I felt my anger fill my body as I found a note.

'You know where we went, you can either come join us where it's safe or stay here alone.' The language, it was written in Sokovian.

I watched as my hand crumbled the note and I ran out the door, leaving all my things behind.
The rest of the memory was a blur, but the last thing I saw was a HYDRA symbol before I shot awake with a loud yowl of fear that echoed through the vents


I crawled out of the vent, "He's in the cross-section above Bucky's room." I informed the team, who'd been waiting for me to get back.

"He's not very happy either," I added add the twins glanced at the vent.

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