Chapter 1

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One shot.
Two shot.
Three shot.

Pain. Searing pain.


I awoke screaming and panting. The sweat was dripping off my body and I was shaking uncontrollably. My parents didn't even bother to come in and check on me anymore, they probably slept through my screaming now seeing as it happened every night. It wasn't that they didn't care, it's just that it had been happening for the last 11 months and there was nothing they could do to help. Nothing could stop me reliving the nightmare.

I got out of bed slowly and carefully, the shaking finally starting to subside. I made my way into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Once the water had got to a suitable temperature I stepped in and just allowed the water to run over my head and body. After 5 minutes of just standing under the water I washed my hair and body and then turned the shower off again.

My name is Emily Fields, I'm 18 and I have nightmares. How cool do I sound I laughed to myself as I thought it. I crawled back into bed after towel drying my hair and picked up my phone, the time read 3:30am and I had one new message.

Hanna: What do you call a deer with no eyes?

Emily: No idea...

Hanna: Exactly. No. Eye. Deer. Hahaha!!

Emily: ...

Hanna: Don't act like that didn't make you laugh Fields! ;)

Emily: It was better than last nights joke. Thank you Han. I'll see you at school xx

Hanna: I'll have a better one tomorrow night don't panic! Night Em xx

Every night was the same. Go to sleep, have the nightmare, wake up and shower, read a joke from Hanna Marin, my best friend. She promised me after the first night that she would make me laugh every time it happened to take my mind off of it. Nothing could take my mind off of it but it made me happy to know even after all this time that she had kept her promise. Or tried to at least, most of her jokes were pretty bad.

She was one of the few people that knew what I had been through. She hadn't pushed me to talk about it and I had appreciated that. It took some time but I had managed to retell my story to her, Spencer Hastings and Aria Montgomery. They hadn't judged me, they had just sat there and listened. It was a lot for someone to take in and yet they had stuck by me. I had amazing friends that was for sure.

I slowly felt myself drifting back to sleep again and I felt more relaxed this time around. My nightmare only seemed to happen once a night and it was almost like a routine to me now.


My alarm went off sooner than I had expected and I groaned as I rolled out of bed. It didn't take me long to get ready seeing as I had already showered in the night. I pulled on some black skinny jeans and a loose fitting white t-shirt. My long brown hair hung in waves over my shoulders and I left it as it was. I didn't put much effort into what I wore yet I still managed to look good. Not that I was up myself or anything, I just naturally pulled off whatever I was wearing. Hanna hated that about me as she would remind me constantly.

The sound of a car horn could be heard from outside and so I grabbed my backpack and ran down the stairs. I put my Nikes on but before I could open the door my mother called me.
"Emily, how many times do I have to tell you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day?" She asked me.
"I know Mum but I'm going to be late and Hanna will be getting impatient" I groaned as I turned round to face her. She walked over to me and handed me a piece of toast as she shook her head.
"And that's why you shouldn't leave yourself 10minutes to get ready in. When will you listen?" She smiled gently at me and I nodded in response as I ran out the door toward Hanna's car.

"Wake up too late for breakfast again Em?" Hanna laughed as I jumped in the passenger seat. My blonde friend was smirking at me whilst I fastened my seat belt. She was dressed in a stylish black dress with a big belt around the middle and heels on. She was the fashionable one of the group, and definitely lived up to the stereotypical blonde but she was my best friend. I turned to say morning to Aria and Spencer who were sat in the back but I was interrupted before the words could come out of my mouth.
"Well breakfast is the most important meal of the day guys" Spencer commented with a serious look on her face. She was wearing high waisted blue jeans and a white top with a cardigan over the top of it. Her long brown hair was tied back in a ponytail and she had a pile of books on her lap which was very typical for her. She was the studious one and the more serious of the group.
"Maybe you should take your own advice Spencer and I don't think coffee counts" I quipped back at her. Aria tried to hide her laugh by turning it into a cough but failed. She was the shortest and her fashion sense was more extreme than the rest of us, but she pulled it off. Her short brown hair had once had pink streaks going through it and it had suited her at the time. I smiled before turning back to face the front of the car. Spencer pretended to look hurt and Aria rubbed her leg.
"She was only joking Spencer, Coffee definitely counts when you have as much as you do in the mornings!" Aria said with her hand still on Spencer's leg. Spencer ignored her comment, she was too focused on the small brunettes hand to have taken anything that was said to her in.

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