Chapter 17

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I took no time in removing Ali's skirt and panties, throwing them to the floor before turning my attention back to her. I was about to go down on her but she stopped me with a hand on my shoulder. She pushed me back off of her slightly and then showed me her signature smirk.

"I'm not the only one who is going to be naked" she told me.

Her hands moved up to my sides and gently lifted my t shirt up. She struggled due to our position as I was hovering above her so I leant back and removed my t shirt myself. I then stood up from the bed and quickly removed my bra followed by my jeans and panties quickly. I watched her eyes rake over my entire body and she bit her lower lip.

"Like what you see?" I questioned her seductively.

She nodded, her eyes now focused solely on mine. I felt myself getting lost in the blue beauties.

I made my way back on top of her, my arms supporting me as I hovered waiting for a sign from her to tell me she was ready. She nodded again, seemingly understanding what I was waiting for.

Lowering my self closer to her I noticed just how wet she was for me. I felt so turned on from the sight and I could feel the heat pooling between my own legs. I kissed both of her thighs again before deciding I couldn't wait any longer. I needed to taste her. My tongue gently flitted over her clit. My movements were slow and wary at first but as Ali gripped my hair roughly in her hands I sped up. I sucked her clit and she tasted incredible, words could not describe what I was feeling right then. I moved down from her sensitive area and licked her folds, her juices covering my tongue before I pushed my tongue inside of her.

"Oh fuck" escaped from her lips.

I looked up briefly and she had her eyes clamped shut and her head back as her one hand gripped the sheets beside her. She looked incredible, she was easily the sexiest woman I had ever met. I moved back to her clit and took it in between my lips, sucking and licking at various speeds. Her breathing hitched with every lick I made and her moans got louder which only egged me on further. I slowly rubbed my fingers down her folds, covering them with her own juices before I put two fingers inside of her. She was so tight and it felt amazing, I pumped in and out of her gaining in speed with every thrust I made.

"Emily, don't stop" she cried out.

Hearing her call my name gave me extra incentive and I didn't stop exploring inside of her until I hit her sweet spot. She gasped as soon as my fingers curled against her but I showed no signs of slowing down. Her hips bucked with every pump and lick I made and I moved my free hand back up to her breast and rolled her nipple in between my fingers. All the contact and sensations became too much for her and I could feel her tightening around my fingers.

"Say it baby" I huskily whispered to her, before going back to licking her clit.

"I'm going to cum" she moaned loudly.

And with that I felt her whole body tremble as she released herself onto my hand.

"Fuck... E... Em" she stuttered.

Her breathing had become loud and erratic so I stopped licking her clit but kept my fingers moving at a slower pace to help her ride out her orgasm. Watching her come undone was the most amazing thing I had ever seen, I couldn't believe how turned on I was by just watching her. I didn't care if she never touched me in the way I was touching her, I was completely happy being the one to give her pleasure. Seeing the faces she was making and hearing her curse under her breath was the a good enough reward for me in itself.

I removed my fingers and replaced them with my tongue as I licked her clean, she shuddered at the sensation as her sensitivity was through the roof. I contemplated going for round two but knowing this was her first time with a girl I decided against it, but if there was a next time which I hoped there would be, I don't think I'd be able to stop myself from giving her multiple orgasms. I was an athlete after all and we had a lot of stamina and liked to make everything a competition. We didn't stop until we got the job done.

She had started to regain some composure so I made my way back up until I was hovering above her face, she pulled me in for a deep and sensual kiss. It just confirmed that she had wanted and enjoyed every part of what we had just done. She smiled at the taste of herself in her mouth and I gently entered my tongue and it clashed against hers.

After a mini make out session I collapsed next to her, breathing heavily after the effort I had put in and my arms aching from holding myself up for so long and working so hard. I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face and when I turned to face Ali it seemed she was having the same issue. She rolled over so that her head was on my chest and I brought both arms around her, encasing her in a tight hug that tried to convey how I was feeling. She sighed with total contentment and placed a gentle kiss on my chest.

It was such a perfect moment and as I led there thinking about how good the day had turned out to be I slowly drifted off to sleep, not noticing that Ali's breathing had already evened out and she'd fallen asleep first and not caring that we were both led naked on top of the sheets.


I know a lot of you were waiting for that and I hope I did it justice. I've never written smut before...

Work has been hectic so I apologise for any delayed updates. And I also apologise for the random times that I'm updating. When I get an idea in my head I have to write it down, it's currently 4am and I should have been asleep hours ago but oh well.

Leave any suggestions and comments :) I do read them all even if I don't reply.

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