Chapter 28

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The rest of our date night had gone smoothly and I dropped her home at a reasonable time seeing as we had school the next day. I couldn't help myself when we pulled up outside her house, I walked quickly around the car and opened her door for her. Her face lit up at the gesture and we walked hand in hand to her front door, I stood nervously shuffling my feet and we shared an awkward silence before I leant forward and kissed her gently on the lips.

"Thank you for tonight, I really enjoyed it" she said to me before turning to open her door.

"No problem, I can't wait to take you out again" I replied before kissing her one last time and walking back towards my car.

I couldn't contain my grin as it spread across my face and I was glad there was no one around to see me looking like such a dork. I even had a little skip to my step.


Friday was finally upon us and I couldn't contain my excitement. Had we been made to do work in our lessons I wouldn't have been able to concentrate as all my mind was focusing on was the fact I was taking Alison DiLaurentis to winter formal. I was so amazed by how far we had come together in these last few months and I had spent ages choosing the perfect outfit for tonight. Hanna, Aria and Spencer were all getting ready at mine before we headed to the school. Ali was travelling with Jenna and Noel and told me she would meet me inside once she got there.

I was stuck in English and the teacher had put Elf on the tv for us to watch, normally I would have watched it without complaint as I am a massive fan of everything to do with Christmas but now I was trying to ignore the film whilst talking to Hanna, Aria, Spencer, Noel and Ali. We had moved all our chairs together so we were sat in a group on the back row around Arias table.

Aria was sat on Spencer's lap to save space or that was the reason they gave us anyway, they both seemed extra clingy recently. Spencer had tried completing one of the essays we'd been given for over the holidays but every time she put her pen near her notebook to read Hanna would hit her hand away. This happened several times before Spencer got so annoyed she had thrown the book she was taking notes from at Hanna and had been told off by the teacher.

Noel and Ali were having there own conversation about another one of their classes that they shared and some of their classmates in it. I didn't want to seem needy and interrupt so I just held her hand under the table and drew shapes up her arm with my other hand. She gave me the occasional smile whenever she glanced at me and every time our eyes connected I still felt the butterflies in my stomach.

Hanna was talking at a million miles per hour about tonight to myself, Spencer and Aria and it was no wonder Noel and Ali weren't joining in with us. Even we couldn't get a word in edgeways, every time Hanna asked a question she managed to answer it herself before we could even open our mouths.

"Hanna, slow down. I'm worn out just listening to you" Aria cut in before Hanna could speak again.

"How much coffee have you had today?" Spencer added.

"Not as much as you. You're 75% caffeine Spence" Hanna quipped back and I nodded my head in agreement.

"Em!! When did this turn around on me?" Spencer asked as she faced each of us individually and we gave a shrug in answer.

The bell eventually rang signalling that class and school were over for the day and we quickly got up and put our seats back in their original positions before leaving the room.

"See you tonight babe" Ali said with a wink.

She stood on her tiptoes and put her arms around my neck, pulling me in close and kissing me on the lips before turning and walking towards Noels car. Sighing I watched her walk away and noticed that she was exaggerating her hips swaying in an attempt to make me weak at the knees. It worked.

"Earth to Em" Hanna yelled as she walked up beside me.

I jumped out of my daydream and spun around to face her.

"That is one hot ass though" Hanna added to which I gave her a glare before following her over to Spencer's car.

Spencer dropped us all off at our individual houses and we agreed to reconvene at 6 at mine. The winter formal started at 8 so that gave us a couple of hours to get dressed, do our hair and make up and pre drink. Hanna was going to hide her flask in her clutch bag for when we were at the prom but it wouldn't hold enough alcohol for all of us to get drunk off so pre drinks were necessary. I'd hidden several bottles of alcohol and mixers around my room over the week that we'd all managed to gather.

After I'd spent some time with my dad downstairs, talking about my day and what I had planned now that school was over for the holidays, I made my way to my room and just led down on my bed. I still had a couple of hours until the girls arrived and I wasn't sure what to do to waste the time. As I was contemplating putting a movie on my phone buzzed in my pocket.

Alison: My parents have just left for a business trip. You're staying at mine tonight ;) xx

Her message took me by surprise and I couldn't suppress the smile that spread across my face. I thought about leaving Ali waiting on a reply but before I knew it I was typing without thinking.

Emily: Sounds perfect. You better rest now, we're going to be having a late night. I miss you xx

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