Chapter 30

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I enjoyed Alison being the one in control but I liked being the dominant one more so with that thought in my head I pushed off from the door and walked her backwards until her legs hit a desk and I bent her backwards over it. Our lips had barely broken apart, only separating when breathing became a necessity. I held her neck roughly as I moved my lips down her jaw and started leaving a trail of wet kisses down to her chest. She gripped my waist tightly and a moan softly escaped her lips, turning me on even more. I moved my free hand to her legs and travelled it upwards until it was resting on her inner thigh, Ali shuddered at my touch and a seductive smile appeared on my face. I loved the effect the simplest of my touches did to her.

"Oi horndogs, hurry up and finish! Hanna is wasted and we need to get her home" Spencer yelled as she banged loudly on the door.

I groaned before kissing Ali one final time and helping her off of the table. We made ourselves slightly more presentable although we couldn't get rid of the red blush that covered both of our faces and unlocked the door. Taking one final second to compose myself I then opened the door to find a frustrated Spencer waiting with a disappointed look on her face.

"Couldn't you wait until I dropped you home?" She asked us both as we headed to the exit.

"It's not my fault my girlfriend is irresistibly gorgeous" Ali replied with a smile.

I took her hand and pulled her in for a kiss whilst Spencer shook her head and tried to walk ahead of us.

We reached the car to find Hanna puking beside it with Aria holding her hair out of her face. Spencer just got in the driver seat and sat there with a impatient look upon her face. I walked over to Hanna and rubbed her back before taking over from Aria and pointing towards Spencer. Aria nodded before walking around the car and hopping into the passenger seat.

"If she's sick in my car she's buying me a new one!" Spencer yelled out her window.

I ignored her and motioned for Ali to join them in the car whilst I stayed with Hanna. She reluctantly left and joined the others whilst I tried to figure out a plan. Spencer started to honk the horn in an attempt to hurry us up and I could hear Aria telling her off. I tried to block them out so I could think. There was no way we could take Hanna back to hers without her mum kicking off and Spencer would not be able to put up with her so it's looked like she was staying with me and Ali.

I helped Hanna into Spencer's car once she had finally stopped being sick and before Spencer could honk the horn one more time. She passed out on me and I just held her close whilst we headed to Spencer's. Being next door neighbours it made this journey a lot quicker than it could have been. I struggled but eventually managed to pull Hanna out of the car and got under one of her arms whilst Ali got under the other. It took some careful manoeuvring and slow steps but we finally made it into Ali's house.

Aria went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, some tablets and a washing up bowl before rejoining us in the living room. We had led Hanna down on one of the sofas and made sure that she was on her side so that she wouldn't choke if she was sick again. Aria placed the bowl on the floor in front of her and the drink and tablets on the table beside her. We bid our farewells to Spencer and Aria and as they walked hand in hand away from us I headed back inside, sat on the sofa and moved Hanna slightly so that she had her head resting on my lap.

"I'll wait upstairs for you babe" Ali said as she kissed me on the forehead and walked out of the room.

I was so glad she understood why I was staying with Hanna. Being my closest friend out of the group, I felt a duty to stay with her until I knew she was going to be ok. I rubbed circles into her back and slowly ended up falling asleep on the sofa with her still in my lap.

"Eurgh this sofa is so uncomfortable" Hanna groaned as I started to wake up.

"Omg Ali! She was waiting for me" I said in exasperation as I pushed Hanna off of me and she ended up falling onto the floor, her face in the bowl that she luckily hadn't needed.

"Fuck!" Hanna yelled at me with a scowl.

"Shit, sorry Banana" I stood up and checked the time on my phone. It read 3:24am and I sighed, I was going to be in so much trouble. The night of the winter formal and I'd spent it on the sofa with my best friend.

"I'll see you in the morning Han, you're alright now yeah?" I asked her as I headed to the stairway.

"Yeah I'm feeling better, see you later" she replied as she crawled back into the sofa.

I made my way into Ali's bed and snuck under the covers. She turned into my arms and leant up to peck me on the lips.

"Sorry baby" I whispered.

She put her finger to my lips and smiled gently at me. Her hands roamed my body as she started to wake up more and I wrapped her tightly against me. She kissed me passionately and I felt myself succumbing to her advances very quickly. My hands matched hers as I roamed her body and they ended up on her breasts.

The door swung open and Hanna jumped on the bed beside me.

"Make out time is over bitches. Unless I can join in" she yelled before pulling the covers over herself and wrapping her arms around us both.

"What that actual fuck Hanna" Alison shouted with a look that could kill.

"The sofa is uncomfortable" she replied before yawning and snuggling in close.

"Sorry" I whispered to Ali before pecking her on the lips and pulling her into a tight embrace.

She huffed before she turned to face the other way but backed in close to me and knew she wasn't mad at me, just the situation. Hanna is the biggest cock block I know. 

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