Chapter 4

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By the time lunch rolled around I had been on the end of Alison's abuse three more times. I'm not even sure why I cared so much about how she was acting however it was really starting to get to me. I joined Aria and Spencer at our regular table outside and they seemed to move away from each other quickly before noticing my dull mood.

"What's up Em?" Aria asked, her voice quiet but concerned.

I shrugged as I began to eat my sandwich. I looked between the two of them and sighed. I really didn't want to talk about it, they'd tell me I was being stupid and Alison always acted like a bitch and to just brush it off. Hanna sauntered over to us, her hair flowing slightly in the wind. She sat down next to me, a massive smile plastering her face.

"I am so happy right now!" She announced whilst getting her lunch out in record time.

"Why?" Spencer questioned her as she barely took her eyes away from the book she was reading.

"It's lunch time duh. I get to eat" Hanna replied with half a sandwich in her mouth.

"Eurgh, Hanna swallow before you speak!" I groaned in disgust.

"That's what he said!" Aria quipped.

Myself, Hanna and Spencer whipped our heads in her direction instantly.

"What I can be dirty sometimes" she said whilst winking at Spencer.

Spencer instantly blushed and tried to turn her attention back to her book whilst me and Hanna raised our eyebrows at each other, a small smile appearing on our faces.

"Weren't you eating in the last two classes Han?" Spencer said trying to turn the attention away from her and Aria.

"Yeah but they were just snacks. This is lunch we're talking about!"

I don't think I've ever seen someone so happy talking about food.

Hanna and the others had distracted me from my thoughts about Alison for the remainder of lunch so when I stood up to leave and ended up knocking someone's tray out of their hand and over myself I was completely in shock to see Alison stood there.

"Sorry" I muttered quietly whilst attempting to wipe the food off my clothes.

"You better watch where you're going dyke" she spat at me.

Her eyes glaring at me in anger whilst I did my best to avoid direct eye contact.

"Back off Alison, go ruin someone else's life" Hanna barked, her hand on my shoulder defensively.

"Reign your pitbull in Emily." She replied sassily.

But by then I was already walking past her and dragging Hanna with me. I wasn't a confrontational person but I knew Hanna had no problem fighting back so I thought it better to walk away from the situation before it escalated.

"I've got a spare shirt in my locker Em" Spencer told me as her and Aria walked quickly to catch up with us.

"Cheers Spence but I think I'm just gonna go home, I'm up to date in English anyway" I replied, forcing a smile on my face.

I walked away from them before they had time to respond and got in my car, slamming my fists against the steering wheel and exhaling loudly in anger.


I stormed into my bedroom and flopped onto my bed. With my face in my pillow I screamed as loud as I could. The drama from today had exhausted me and it wasn't long before I drifted off to sleep.

One shot.
Two shot.
Three shot.

The pain in my abdomen was unbearable. I was struggling to keep my eyes open.


I heard my name being called in the distance but I was too weak to reply.

"Emily!" Wake up!"

I awoke with a start. Shaking uncontrollably like usual and sweating profusely. I felt arms around me and I turned my head slowly to face the person holding me.

"Hanna?" I questioned, my eyes taking in the blonde hair but not focusing on anything else.

"Shh just relax. You're ok now" they said soothingly.

That wasn't Hanna's voice. I started to struggle as my eyes finally began to focus. Alison was holding me. My eyes opened wide in shock and she smiled gently at me.

"Wh... what are..." I tried to get out before she cut me off with a finger against my lips.

"I came over to see if you were ok after earlier. You left school early and I was concerned." She said quietly, her eyes never leaving mine.

"But I heard you screaming and your front door was unlocked so I ran in your house and found you here, shaking." Her eyes were lined with sadness and genuine concern which threw me off completely.

I thought she hated me and now she was here comforting me. I'm so confused right now.

"Does it happen often?" She saw the confusion on my face and quickly continued.

"The nightmares"

I nodded, not being able to get any words out my mouth. She led back against my headboard and pulled me into a tight embrace. Her hand ran through my hair and I felt instantly relaxed. I could smell her perfume and it was such an amazing scent, I'd always like the smell of vanilla.

"Y... you don't have to do this A... Alison" I stuttered.

"Don't talk, just relax" she replied quietly, it was almost a whisper.

When I awoke to the sound of my Mum calling my name my bed was empty. Did I dream that Alison was here? No I can't have, I can still smell vanilla on my pillow. Why did she leave? But more importantly why was she nice to me. I stood up from my bed and stretched, falling asleep in Ali's arms had given me a better sleep than I got most nights. I felt a lot better for it. Wait. Did I just call her Ali? I shook my head and tried to clear my thoughts as I ran down the stairs, my stomach starting to rumble as I looked at my watch. Half 7, I was asleep for three hours! No wonder I felt refreshed. The stress of being on the end of Alison's torment was causing nightmares more frequently but being around the other Alison calmed me down like nothing else. She was going to be the death of me.

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