Chapter 15

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I was exhausted. School had dragged and swim practice had been hard work. We had a meet on Saturday which required a lot of extra hours being put in, this week I had swim practice twice a day. I was hoping for a scholarship and the only way I would get one is if I won most of my races at all of the meets this year, I had fierce competition but I had never been one to back down from a challenge. We all graduated this year and then it would be the start of the rest of our lives.

I was lounging on the sofa watching Netflix waiting for Ali to arrive when my mum walked through the door.

"I thought you were working late?" I tried to keep my voice level but I didn't do a good enough job as my mum raised her eyebrows at me.

"The computer system went down so there was nothing else we could do for the day. Why?" She replied whilst looking at me curiously.

I had never been good at lying to my mum, she always managed to see straight through me. I decided now was as good a time as any and to tell her about me and Alison. She knew I was gay, that wasn't the issue. But I was pretty sure she had heard me and Hanna bitching about Alison several times and explaining that I was now dating her was going to be slightly hard. 

"Mum I. .." I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

I walked out of the lounge and opened the front door to find Alison stood outside with a massive smile on her face. She was holding a bunch of roses and looked adorable.

"Are those for me?" I asked with a shy smile.

She nodded before passing them to me and I smelt them before walking back into the lounge. Alison shut the door and walked into the lounge behind me. My mums gaze went from me to the flowers to Alison all in one swift movement.

"Mum, this is Alison DiLaurentis my girlfriend" I said with a confidence I didn't realise I had.

Alison stepped forward and held her hand out to my mum.

"It's lovely to meet you Mrs Fields"

My mum took Alison's hand and shook it with a genuine smile on my face. She loved a person with manners.

"It's lovely to meet you Alison, but call me Pam. I'll take those flowers for you Emmy and you can both go upstairs." She said as I handed over the flowers and took Alison up the stairs by her hand.

"But don't forget to keep your door open" my mum shouted to us before we'd reached the top of the stairs.

I groaned as I pulled Alison quickly into my room and away from my mothers voice.

"Door open hey Emmy?" Alison said annunciating the nickname me mum used with a smirk on her face.

"Quiet you" I replied as I jumped on the bed and hid my face in the pillows so that she couldn't see me blushing.

She jumped on the bed and climbed on top of me with both of her legs either side of me. Moving my hair out of the way she placed kisses all down my neck and I let out a small groan at the feeling which was luckily muffled by the pillows. Or so I thought.

"You like that Em?" Ali questioned before kissing me harder and moving her hands up my top.

She drew patterns on my back with her fingers and I shuddered causing goosebumps to appear on my skin. I managed to turn around underneath her so that she was straddling me and I gazed up at her with a look of appreciation on my face and lust in my eyes. I put my arms around her neck and pulled her in close to me. Our lips connected and the butterflies in my stomach started fluttering like crazy. She always had this effect on me and whether it was now or 15 years later I knew that I would still feel this way when she kissed me. I had fallen head over heels for her.

"Em, your mum is only downstairs" Ali said after breaking away and catching her breath.

I sighed and rolled her over so her back was on the bed before I got up and found my laptop. I guess we were just doing the Netflix part of Netflix and chill tonight.


Alison had left around 10pm due to us having school the next morning. I had swim practice before school started to I had set my alarm for 7am to give me enough time to get ready. I'd felt so relaxed when she had been next to me but now I was dreading being in my bed alone. It was only a matter of time before sleep took over me and the nightmare would play in my head.

One shot.
Two shot.
Three shot.

Pain. Searing pain.

I was screaming for my life. It didn't stop. The nightmare was on repeat.

One shot.
Two shot.

"Stop!!" I screamed in my sleep.

I couldn't take it for much longer. I felt the exact same pain as I felt when it had actually happened to me. All I could see was the blood pouring out of my body.

"Stop!!" I screamed again.

I couldn't wake up. Why wasn't I waking up? This had never happened before.

"Ali!!" I screamed out.

My vocal cords were burning and all I could do was hope that I would wake up soon. Knowing it was a dream made it so much worse. I couldn't escape.

Someone was near me. I could feel them but I couldn't see them or get to them.

"Emily, wake up" I heard someone say.

Were they in my dream or were they trying to wake me? I couldn't tell, it was all so painful and confusing.

"Emily!" I heard that voice again and I recognised it but the name wouldn't come to me.

My eyes snapped open and I sat up straight breathing hard and shaking. I felt arms around me and when I could finally focus I saw Ali holding me tight and my mum stood at the foot of my bed. I'd never seen my mum look so frightened before.

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