Chapter 24

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We didn't make it to the bedroom. In fact we didn't even make it to the top of the stairs. I stopped just before we reached the last step and pinned her against the wall on our right. Her legs were wrapped tightly against me and I brushed the hair away from her neck as I moved my lips away from hers and began peppering kisses in a line down her jaw, her neck and to the top of her chest.

"Em..." she moaned and I cut her off by placing a hand over her mouth as I kissed her breasts through her t shirt.

She was impatient with us having not been together in over a week so she took off her own top and threw it onto the stairs and began to undo her bra almost instantly after. By pinning her against the wall it allowed my hands free access to her body. I moved my fingers delicately up and down her arms and as my kisses got lower I brought my touch to her waist. I kissed her breasts and began teasing both nipples one after the other with my tongue, my fingers teased along the waistband of her shorts and it didn't take long for her to unbutton them to allow me easier access.

"Em fuck me" she commanded. Her patience had worn out and it was time for the foreplay to end.

I moved her from off the wall and led her on the stairs, her elbows propping her up on the landing as the rest of her body ran down the stairs. I held myself above her with one hand whilst the other pulled her shorts and underwear off her, going too slow for Ali's liking so she ended up helping me pull them off over her knees and onto the floor.

"Em I need you" she moaned into my ear as her arms wrapped around my neck and pulled me closer.

I slid my fingers along her wet folds and teased her clit, circling it slowly. Her head fell back and her back arched up off the stairs. She looked like a goddess to me and sounded like one to. My other hand grabbed her breast and squeezed it with slight force. Her moans were getting louder and her breathing more erratic, I continued to move my fingers around her clit and built the pace up  until she started to come undone. I stopped my movements and she glared at me until I unexpectedly put two fingers inside of her. She took a sharp intake of breath and swore at me but the glint in her eyes told me she was enjoying it.

"Fuck... shit... oh god Em!" She moaned over and over.

I pushed my fingers in and out of her, getting deeper and quicker with each pump. My other hand was now pinching her nipple between pumps and my eyes were focused solely on her face, watching her convey her emotions through facial movements. I then curled my fingers inside her and felt that sweet spot, not daring to lose it I focused on only what my fingers were doing and tried to block out the almost screams that were coming out of Ali's mouth. I was so turned on by her and could feel the heat pooling at my own centre. With one more swear word managing to escape Ali's lips she came completely undone and I felt her tighten around my fingers and her body shake with pleasure. I slowed down my movements as I let her ride out her orgasm before finally removing my fingers.

"Worn out?" I asked her with a smirk.

She was trying to compose herself but was having difficulty getting her breath back let alone replying to me so I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my bedroom where I led her down in the bed and put the covers over her. I ran downstairs to grab us both a glass of water before picking up Ali's clothes that were strewn up the stairs and on the landing. Returning to my bedroom I handed Ali her glass and she smiled in thanks, I placed my glass on my bedside unit before putting Netflix on the tv and choosing a film to watch.

It was still only early evening but we were both emotionally and physically exhausted after the week we'd had. Not seeing Ali like I normally did had taken its toll on me so instead of cooking us tea I ordered in pizza. I answered the door when it arrived seeing as Ali still hadn't put any clothes back on, not that I was complaining.

We ate the pizza in bed as we started a second movie and settled in for the night. I still had a week left until my parents returned for the Christmas break and I was looking forward to finally having Ali stay round like we had originally planned. We also needed to discuss the Christmas ball that was coming up and to coordinate our dresses, or rather Ali would coordinate our dresses and I would just wear whatever she chose for me. She knew exactly what looked good on me from style to colour.

Ali had already fallen asleep by the time the second film ended and I carefully got off of the bed and changed into shorts and a t shirt. I considered sleeping naked but decided against it and if Ali woke up and complained about me having too many clothes on then she could take them off of me. Getting back into bed I moved as close to her as I could physically get before putting my arm around her. She must have sensed what I was doing and rolled slightly on top of me. Her arm around my waist and one of her legs wrapping around my leg. Her head nuzzled into my neck and it wasn't long before I too fell asleep. Yet again it was another peaceful sleep with no interruptions of nightmares thanks to Ali keeping me completely relaxed throughout the night.

I've just finished my night shift and should definitely have gone to sleep an hour ago but instead I had to get this chapter written as it was on my mind. Haha oh well I can sleep another day. I saw the suggestion for jealous Ali and decided to implement it into the storyline as it worked well with Ali's behaviour prior. I will get some more of jealous Ali into upcoming chapters and any other ideas you have let me know. Hope you enjoyed. Leave a review :) I read them all.

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