Persona 5's Darker and Hidden Elements

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(These are just my thoughts and me over analyzing shit again like I usually do with video games cause it's fun to do-so not everything will be 100000% accurate. Alright? Alright let's dive in :3)


Yusuke Kitagawa:

As you may have noticed in an earlier chapter I mentioned the question if Yusuke could actually be autistic? And the answer could very well be yes. According to his behavior and his reactions to when people say that his personality is rather odd, he gets really sensitive and offended easily. Yusuke does have most of the traits of an autistic person on the high functioning end. He has several comforting habits, (Art, chatting with Akira, etc.) , difficulties with focusing on anything else but the things he enjoys, doesn't know when he's making others uncomfortable, sensitive about his own quirks, and doesn't understand sarcasm like any other. So it could very well be possible that he's an autistic child, possibly developing in his earlier years of child hood and how he was treated. By not knowing his mother or what was happening in the world around him and forced to be in a closed space by Madarame it may be a possibility that it developed around that time.

Haru Okumura:

Ah yes, the sweet princess that we all know and perceive her to be. But in actuality that isn't really the case. Haru is extremely sinister than she actually puts out. The history behind Milady is pretty dark, considering that she's seen with machine guns on her and what not. But she was branded as a criminal against her mentor Athos who was her former husband, seem a bit familiar? Haru and her future husband in a way. But the conflict with Milady ends with her beheading, that's why the top of her body is missing. In the book, Milady is seen as independent, fierce, a manipulative villain, and one with many vendettas. She brings others to ruin for her own personal gain and benefits enjoying every moment of suffering from other people. But we're not done, if you go to mementos there is a clip of her saying that she's excited to hear the shadows begging for their lives and hear there crying for eternal suffering.

Goro Akechi:

*SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH* Alright. I don't want to sound like a fucking annoying fangirl but there is ALOT of hate around Goro. But then again this is my book :) anyways, some people miss the point of his character. Yes, I do believe he was sort of a rushed villain. No, he's not a shitty villain either. If you hate Akechi for him just wanting to shoot you then the whole fucking thing just flew over your head. If you read inbetween the lines, in depth he's a rival not really an annoying antagonist like the other bosses. He's what we call an "Allegorical Rival." Bare with me since plus I'm an english nerd......but I'm putting a hell of a lot of thought into this. An allegory is a literary device of symbolism where a certain meaning is greater and abstract but is usually conveyed in the deepest and darkest parts of a story. Thus, giving us Akechi. Given that his mother had committed suicide and his father went on to political fame, he became extremely alone believing that everyone was cruel. He yearned for anyone or thing to look his way and give him the compliments he never deserved growing up. His monologues give off these euphemistic vibes as well saying that he was an underserving, bastard child who didn't deserve to live the life that he was given. He was a victim in all of this and only wanted to prove his worth to the public. By killing Joker, he would have gotten the praise that he felt he deserved. But now I have to play the devils advocate here, all of what he went through also could be consider not tragic in most cases. Yes, his mother's suicide may have played a key role but let's forget about that for now. Having an abusive or controlling father can't really make you a villain. When Akechi was given the power of persona, he had an option to remain with the phantom thieves or go on his own to receive pride and power. He chose to become a villain almost for no reason, if Shido wasn't in the equation. The only tragic thing that could be said was that he became a viable instrument and toy for Shido to further advance his own plan. Once he realizes this, he knows that he was only the fool and that everything he set up was almost done for nothing.

Ugh, I'm tired....😂 What are your thoughts about this? I may do a part two but my brain is tired...😂😂😂

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