Celebration [Drabble]

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I'm bored I have nothing better to do so why not? Also eventually this account will be taken over by Yuuchi Ryoka! For a short amount of time meaning Nia-senpai will be on hiatus //no one misses meh *cough* :) I'll still be on but I'll be my OC for a short time cause it just sounds fun.

So yeah! Alright onto the Drabble! Lucas does not belong to me he belongs to TheRealArchangelo2 ~~~ "Alright, whose ready to have fun and eat until our belts pop?" Yuuchi chimed as she stood on a table holding an expensive bottle of sparkling appl...

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So yeah! Alright onto the Drabble! Lucas does not belong to me he belongs to TheRealArchangelo2
"Alright, whose ready to have fun and eat until our belts pop?" Yuuchi chimed as she stood on a table holding an expensive bottle of sparkling apple juice. It was the third month since Yuuchi joined sees and they defeated the latest shadow that happened to sneak out of Tartarus."Ryoka get off the table before you hurt yourself." Lucas sighed as he tried to stifle a chuckle. She gave a fake pout and plopped her self down on the couch sitting like a boy. Usually, she had wore a boy's uniform since she felt more comfortable in it. She talked like a boy, acted like a boy, and sat like a boy. Mitsuru noticed that it wasn't proper etiquette so she forced Yuuchi into a female uniform and had tied her hair up properly instead of the usual mess she did. "Yuuchi, close your legs. The dogs in here can see your panties." Mitsuru warned and she only shrugged sitting up still sitting in a nonchalant manner. "No one told them they could look. Besides they can't touch anyway so it's not like it matters." The midnight haired girl sighed as she relaxed for a moment. "Ryoka-San why do you always choose to wear a boy's uniform?" Ken looked up at the her and she looked down at him for a moment then looked away tossing her head back looking at the ceiling. "It's a long story....one I hate repeating...but since it's you that asked, I'll tell. Everyone deserves a right to know at least." She rose her hand toward the ceiling and she began the story "I'm going to warn you all now that none of what your about to hear is a cakewalk. It was always 'Yuuchi, hurry up and put on your dress.' Or 'Yuuchi, put on your make up.' My father treated me more like a prized possession less than a daughter. I was more of a money grabbing object than a princess, like I was supposed to have been treated by my father...that was ideal..his old geezer friends would always make perverted advances to me that scared me to death. I was too young to know what it all meant but I knew something was wrong, my father never said a word about the advances or anything until I was actually touched in front of them. Even then the bastard only watched it happen...I started kicking and screaming until I ran away...but it wasn't even a family issue. Girls at my elementary school made fun of me a lot...so I changed and started wearing a boy's uniform." Yuuchi shrugged knowing full well she left out plot holes that also led her to be like this but no one else needed to know. "Ryoka-San I'm sorry for asking something so painful." Ken started tearing up and Yuuchi sat him on her lap to comfort him with a gentle smile that made him blush deeply. A wave of I'm Sorry's came from Mitsuru and Junpei. Mitsuru because of how she seemed to force the elegance of a woman on her and Junpei because he thought she was just a confused girl who wanted to be a different gender. "Guys it's ok and fine I promise!" "But for people to force you into something you had no intention of doing is wrongful.." Lucas sighed and leaned against a wall "Still I promise everything is alright! Now let's eat!" Yuuchi smiled as she shook up the sparkling juice and popped the cork off causing the liquid inside to spray everywhere. Of course every one laughed and forgot about the entire ordeal, but Yuuchi's smile and laughter was of course all fake. Setting aside her pain to see others smile

Congratulations, you've been rewarded with emptiness.

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