Damsel In Distress

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The girl and the shadow stopped at another main room. There was a large table with silver ware placed neatly ontop of napkins. Up on the wall was another portrait, without the girl but instead with a young boy with ruby red eyes and purple hair.

The shadow went over to a lamp and tilted it. As it did the portrait began to lower itself to reveal two corpses. The woman and the man from the portaits. They were frozen in the position as if at a funeral.

"W-Wha.. Who are th-EY!-"

The brunette yelped as the shadow tackled her and pinned her to the ground.

"M'lady, these are.. Your family members."

He said as he started to turn into dust, the shadow was now just filth as it fell onto her clothes. Its ashes made its way to her vampire bite on her neck.

"H-Huh!? W-Wait! AAAAAAAAA-"

As her screams kept echoing the mansion her body became pale as her eyes started to turn coal like black.

She cried in massive pain, unable to do anything but lay on the ground, choking on what seemed like the dust that went through her vampire bite to her throat.

There was a small crack noise. Coming from the two cold bodys. Little did the brunette painfilled female know, they were still alive, and could see everything.

Back Home

"Hey Lish still hasnt came back should we look for her?"

Minty questioned.

"Im sure shes fine"

Katelynn said not looking away from her computer.

"What about her brother?"

"He left so good riddance. No more guys night out at our place, Zaexs been a jerk and needs to go jerk off with his boyfriend"

Nebby stated in a cold tone.

(Ik she changed her name but oh well)

"Im still concerned.."

"Then go see him"

"Hmm.. Wouldnt hurt to try"

Minty put on her jacket and set off to Zaexs house.

~Time skip by Shadow:I basically made her eat me:>~

Mintys POV

I knocked on the door and heard groans and foot steps. Strange. Lobo opened the door without his shirt on and with hickeys all over his neck and some on his chest.


I yelled and heard groans from inside.

"Bad dog~ Your supposed to lay down!~"

I heard Zaex yell out from his room that was just down the hall.



"Ok anyway, have you seen Lishe? You know smol but toll blood thirsty monster that may or may not be hating you full percent and that talks like shes high 24/7??"

"No, dont care"

"But shes your sister"

"No it's a waste of skin that your all dealing with and I dont care! Your fault if she's missing"

"Who was there for you when Zaex was a mess??"

"Cmmy! Msss!~"

"Yeah whatever and when you would question your existence???"

"Easy. You three."

"I can't believe you would turn down your OWN SI-"




"...without her you wouldnt be with fucking Zaex or your old happy life.."

I turned around and mumbled 'you mutt..' I didnt care if he heard me, I know it's Lishes nick for that Whitefang but he's a dog too.

I walked towards The Whitefangs to see if they saw her anywhere.

"Hell- OH! Um.. Min-tyy.. What brings you here??"

Matt asked nervously.

"Have you seen Lishe? You know beanpole that's very easy to lose in a crowd unless you scream some shit about her senpis?"

"....umm No?"

"Hmm.. Okie!"

I took out a dagger of mine and pointed it at him, straight in the face.

"Again, you sure?? Not even your brother or sister know??"

"N-No.. Edds been talking with Poppy all day and Noors playing his video games.."

"Hmm.. Fine, good dog"

"Excuse me what?"

I darted to Aracelis and Tyrones, no luck, Poppy, no luck.

After I asked the whole neighbor hood, made my way home, worried for my friend.

The others say she's fine but if she really was.. She wouldnt have taken Teddie.



704 words

Their Pain || Highschool AU X OC X Upside down Origin Story ||Where stories live. Discover now