Strange Students

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Noor and Matt watched in shock as soon the 4 girls started to float down almost normal. In a rush Katelynn pushed both of them against the wall.

"Say anything to anyone-Your-Dead" She hissed.

"O-Okay.. W-What are you guys?!" Said Noor.

"That's none of your business" Finished Minty.

"Don't hurt our sister." Explained Matt.

"We will soon enough" Chuckled Nebby.

"Haha,, Your little family is adorable when you look horrified." Laughed Lishe.

"Now scram" Growled Katelynn. Katelynn pulled away giving them a death glare.

~Time Skip By Aphmau:Such a turn of events!~

It was lunch time. Now that Matt and Noor found out they couldn't leave their side either. There were some wispers around. About the new kids being the bad kids now. A orange haired girl named Poppy kept looking at Edd and got up and sat with them.

"Um what are you doing at our table.." Asked Minty.

"I thought I could be of some use." Lishe glared at her not liking her one bit.

"Can you stop staring." Suddenly Lishe and Poppy disappeared.

Everyone looked around but they were no were to be found.

"Where's Poppy..?" Asked Edd.

"Hmph.. So rude to not ask about our leader first..but she is fine." Explained Nebby.

"Shes not the leader." Said Noor.

"She is and we will not question her and her decisions." Finished Minty. A minute later they came back Lishe still seemed to have her blank face. While Poppy sat there dizzy like. It looked like she had a bite mark with 2 small holes going through her skin.

"Poppy..what happened" Asked Edd worridly.

"Don't worry about her she fell onto some branches."


"Ugh." She then disappeard along with her 3 of her friends. But Katelynn stayed.

"You do know this campus is filled with strange students right."

Matt And Noor eyes widdened and nodded along with Edd.

"Werewolves, Humans, Meif'was, and some vampires here and there.. Poppy was bitten."

"By who??"

"Who else.."She got up and left the cafeteria leaving the school to ditch with her friends.

"She got bitten by Lishe.." Started Noor.

"Don't talk about our leader behind her back doofus." A familiar voice said from behind them.

"She only bites when she hates someone, wants blood, to mark them, or to mess with them and see them freak out."

"Why mark them?" Asked Matt.

"I dunno the only person she has bitten to mark them was Zaex. Her ex that left her but meh like I said we don't talk about our leader behind her back."

Edd nodded and held Poppy so she wouldn't fall out of her seat.

"Awe puppy love,, how boring."

"Uh what?.."

"Puppy love is sooo boring they just act cute towards one another booorrinng."

"I don't like her!!" Yelled Edd.

"Sure you dont" Chuckled Minty.

"Cya dorks some other time." She left the cafeteria reading her fanfiction as usual.

"Bros..I'm scared.."

"'s alright we're here."

"But what if Kate stabs you?? Nebby beats you?? Minty harrasses to kill us??! Lishe destroys is?!"


"How are you so sure?!"

There was a long pause before Noor broke the silence.

"We will protect give you the future you need.."

"Thank you.."

"I SaVeD tHe DaY!!¡1" Blurted out Poppy before passing out.

"Lets get her to the nurse."

"Okay..come on Poppy"


Mleh. Sorry for short chapter.

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