The End and The Beginning [FlashBack]

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P.S this WHOLE chapter is a FlashBack so no italics okay? AH-LEGGO! P.S.S Strong stuff??

FlashBack Begin!

I watched as our "creator's" tested once again on Test Subject 3-1 or what they call her, Katelynn Clawfield.

A few minutes later once they let her out she looked even more terrible than last Thursday.

It was break time for our creator's. So they let us Test Subjects see each other again. For what seemed like a decade for us we learned how to speak properly once again. When they say "Again" I get confused. Were we once normal. But I dont let myself over think. It'll only lead to a massive headache.

They let Katelynn in what they call "Play Center" Don't know why but that sounds very stupid to me. Or.. What is stupid? They haven't told us many words of course.

Next they put in 4-2 Or Minty Polar Bear. I actually find Minty a strange name. When the creator's don't like saying Minty or her full name they go for MPB for short.

Then 2-3, other known as Nebby Clawfur. A find her quiet rebellious. But who wouldn't be if they only get tortured almost everyday since they can remember.

Lastly, there's me. 1-4 or as they call me. Lishe Skull. Names are confusing. But confusing is confusing too.

Normal routine.. Again.

The screen or whatever turned on, showing our creator's again.

"Mmm..." Katelynn mumbled under her breath. I bet she doesn't want to see their faces after what she just went through for the 30 or more time. Hey we're still learning.

"This is boring." Nebby whined. I think they shouldn't have taught us boring. Is this what school is like. But without the pain and dullness. I mean in a way it's good, in a different way. Its total agony.

"Repeat after me girls. I like to-"

"Fuck-God!!" Blurted out the lady, cutting off the youngish man as she got angry with a substance that failed to go her way.

Minty, and Nebby laughed, along with Katelynn. Me? I just went into the corner and kept thinking for a way to get out of this living nightmare that never ends. I didn't need to learn anyway. I can think of my own words to say.

When I heard the lady curse, swear? Or say a bad word. I would think of it as Fudge. Since I think that is even worse than the original.

The others walked over to me, ignoring the recorded video. They peeked over my shoulder, seeing at what could possibly be more important.

"Still thinking?" Nebby said, looking at what I was writing.

"Yea, I think in a few weeks we can live our own lives" I stated, refusing to look up. Hey, what do I care about them. Their just people? I have no memories of us. I just Know that we all suffer from the same dark people that clearly have no emotions.

Sure their nicer than parents. But I can't stand around and watch them cry in pain but be so kind to one another. My plan is coming along. Since I'm the weakest or youngest, which is what the creator's also label me as. They say very useful notes to each other. Knowing I'm to weak to do any real harm. But I'm sure one day, I'll give them the pain they deserve.. Its the right thing to do right?

For the rest of the break I went on about what role we would play. What if there was something as roleplay, that'd be crazy. Only a few days. What could possibly go wro-

"Alright. Subject 1-4 come out. Its your turn to have some painless fun." The man said coldly, not taking any steps from where he was standing. We knew if we disobey. We would have a longer time of 'painless fun'.

I get up and follow the black haired man. We never really new their names. But I do remember that his was Adam. A non-productive man, now a maniac playing with us toys.

He and other two scientist slide open a door, revealing a table with some kind of handcuffs that I still don't know what are called. A few desks with documents on them. Along with useful tools. All looked pain-ful.

Not again.. I can't handle any more of this..

I thought to myself, making my way over to the table. Once I was unable to move my limbs or body. I started to feel numb as my eyes felt heavy and soon went into darkness.

In about a few minutes I started to regain consciousness again. If it was minutes...maybe hours. More pain yay.

Once I started to see the lamp over my head I felt uncruiating pain in both my legs. I can't feel my legs..but it hurts so much. Never knew numbness could go this far.

As my eyes got used to the bright light I looked at my legs and saw the scientist's doing who knows what. I do know that they won't care for what we say to make them stop.

"She's awake."

"Hey look at this." They all said at one another. They all looked at a computer to see some DNA going haywire. In the corner on my eye I could see a red circle over my legs and arms. That must be what their working on today.

"Hmm that's not good.. Add in more chemical V."

Without another minute to waste they injected the chemical into both sides of my hip that would lead it to my legs. I started to scream. Enjoying my lecture on how no one is truely-fully good enough to save us. That's why we're going to save ourselves.

As I kept screaming in pain and suffering it went dark again. They must've knocked me out. I know they absolutely love my screams of joy for play time. This'll all change in no time.

Once again I awoke from my slumber, feeling like trash..oh wait.. I am. They told me to go back to my capsule since I was still out of control with what happened earlier.

I'm weak.. But overpowered..

I thought as my capsule soon filled with the green liquid, wires already going through my skin. On my neck,back and half way down my shoulders. Before I blacked out once again, I looked over to the eating room. I saw Nebby being stubborn with Ms.Irna. One of the side scientist that make sure we stay in place. Behind her was Minty and Katelynn getting restrained by four other scientist's. How many people are keeping an eye on us?!...or Are there more of us.

I could care less if they weren't so caring unlike everyone else here..

I thought to myself as my head lowered and my capsule getting dark by Mr.Adam turning off the light.

Are we the only ones...?

Hey! Bishe here! I'm not dead!


Anywho! Long delay because I got lost in Fanfics too!! But here! Happy now?! Yes I know this was a different way of writing but I DID say I'm going to put more work in these!

Y:By ignoring your books -_-#

I HEARD THAT! Anywayyyy I hope you guys enjoyed! Again if your confused this WHOLE chapter was a FlashBack just didn't want to use the Italics forever. BBBBBBBBBBBISH-OUT!

[Word Count:1249]

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