Don't Forget Me-Matthew Espinosa

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McKenna's POV

*Beep. Beep. Beep.*

I put the pillow over my head. One thing I know for sure is that today I will not get up.

Of course, at that moment my little sister Karlie ran into my room.

"KENNA GET UP YOUR ALARM CLOCK WOKE ME UP" she screamed at me as loud as she could.

I groaned and rolled out of bed. "That lasted long" I thought making myself giggle. I picked up my alarm clock and shut it off. Then I walked into the bathroom to get ready. I took a shower the night before so I just put my hair in a high bun, brushed my teeth, and threw on my uniform. I looked at myself in my mirror and decided I looked good enough. Then I pulled out my phone and sent a snapchat to my best friend Jessica, of course. I looked at the time. I was going to be late for school! I grabbed an apple and ran out the door screaming,


I started running as fast as I could. If Mrs. Lopez found out I was late for school again she would give me a detention. Just then, BAM. I smacked right into someone. I looked up.

"Oh great."

It was Matthew Espinosa.

He was the most popular kid in the whole high school. Compared to him I was dirt.

"Watch where you're going next time, freshman." He basically spat at me.

I rolled my eyes.

"You're only one year older than me.." I spat back.

"Yeah but I'm ten times more popular. I don't know why I'm wasting my air talking to you. I don't talk to trash."

He turned on his heals and walked away, leaving me speechless. I didn't even know how to respond to that. I stood back up and continued my way to school, more aware of my surroundings this time.


Luckily, I made it to Mrs. Lopez's class just as the bell rang. I was almost late since I had that incident with Matthew, or 'Mr. Douchebag' as I like to call him.

I can't believe he said "I don't talk to trash".

He better watch out if that ever happens again. I'm not as wimpy as he thinks.

Finally class was over. I walked to my locker to get my books, and then met up with Jessica since we have 2nd Period together.

"Hey, what's up?" she says.

"Hey! Not much just that I accidentally bumped into Matthew..." I told her.

"I'm sorry Kenna! He's just an asshole."

We both started laughing.

"You could say that again!!" And with that we walked to class.


Thankfully it was lunch. I went over to the table where Jessica and I always sit. On my way I heard some people laughing. I looked over and of course

Matthew and his whole table were laughing at me!

Pointing and laughing.

I looked to see if there was something on my clothes. Nope.

On my face? I don't think so.

Being the person I am I walked over to their table.

"Excuse me, is there something wrong, or are you guys just being your normal prick selves?"

Matthews POV

I still regret what I did to her. I wish none of this happened. I wish I didn't try to be mean to her because my friends hated her. Because they wanted me to hate her. I miss seeing her beautiful smile. She never smiles at me anymore.

She has the best personality ever. I never get to see it anymore.

She is also very pretty. She has bright blue eyes that you can see from a mile away, and long brown hair. It always lays perfectly down her back. She's perfect. I suddenly wish I wasn't mean to her. Wait a second I don't know what I'm saying.


She wouldn't like me. After what I did to her, she thinks I'm a big jerk. The sad thing is,

I am one.


"And get this, she bumped into me this morning like full on! The way she looked at me when she saw it was me was priceless!"

Jenn saw it happen so of course she made me tell the story. Want to hear the truth? I only said those things because she was watching. I tried to laugh while I told the story but I actually felt pretty bad. I recalled the look on her face. She looked like a deer in headlights. I said some pretty mean things that I knew in my heart weren't true. I had to walk away after I called her 'trash'. It slipped out of my mouth, and all I could think to do to is keep a brave face and walk away.

My friends all laughed really hard cutting me out of my thoughts. Jenn pointed to her.

"Look at her hair! She probably didn't even brush it!" she stated while laughing. I thought it looked really nice today.



I constantly needed to remind myself. Just then, she walked over to our table.

"Excuse me, is something wrong, or are you guys just being your normal prick selves?" she snapped at us.

I was a little taken back. I mean I knew she was brave, but I didn't think she had enough courage to come over to us like that.

"It's just that we think you should get your head out of your ass and maybe pay attention while walking down the street! Well in your case, waddling because you're so fat" Jenn snapped back.

McKenna was anything but fat. That put me over the edge.

"You should talk."

I said it quietly and thankfully

Jenn didn't hear me, but McKenna did..

Don't Forget Me-Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now