Chapter 3

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McKenna's POV

I was snapped out of my horrible thoughts when I felt an arm tug on me. Luckily, it was just Jessica dragging me away from the people I despise.

"What happened over there?!" Jessica asked.

"Nothing worth my time." I replied

"Are you sure because it looked like something was going down at that table?"



Finally the day was over! To me it felt really long. Maybe it was just because I had too many encounters with Matthew today? The world may never know.

I walked for 10 minutes, and finally made it home. As soon as I walked in I threw my backpack right next to the door and ran upstairs to my room. I looked over at the clock and saw it was 3:25. Usually the time I get home. I am currently home alone, and will be until my parents get back, which is around 5:00.

I decided to change out of my uniform and into normal people clothing. Which for today consisted of acid washed high waisted shorts, a black crop top that says "Don't Trip", my maroon Dr. Martens, and my black Neff beanie. I'm such a hipster it's not even funny.

I finished all my homework in my study hall so clearly I didn't have any. It was now 3:40.

"Damn, I take long getting changed!" I thought to myself. It's also because I fixed my hair and makeup.

Since there was nothing to do I decided to call Jessica and ask her if she wanted to hang out.


"Hey, what's up?"

"Well my parents aren't home and was wondering if you wanted to come over?"

"Yea sure be there in 5!"

No more than 5 minutes later did Jessica walk in. Yes, we are that close that we just barge into each other's houses.

"What's up girlfrand?!" She asked.

"The sky! Duh girl!" I answered snapping my fingers.

We both just started cracking up.

"No but on a more serious note, what should we do since no ones at your house and it's kinda boring?"

"Erm. Want to go to the park?"


10 minutes later we were at the park. Before we left I wrote a note telling my mom we were at the park since it would probably be after 5 o' clock once we got back.

Matt's POV

Today was the day I decided to ask Jennifer Waters(or Jenn as I call her) to be my girlfriend. The only reason I've decided to do this is because I have finally realized I will never be able to get McKenna back after what I've done to her. Sometimes I have flashbacks of it.

Anyways, I decided to ask Jennifer out at the park. I set up a little picnic area for us right underneath a huge Oak Tree with a view of the whole park, which may I add is pretty big. I put down a blanket and have a basket of fruit and stuff for when we get hungry. I also hung up lights on the tree above where we were sitting.

I told Jennifer to meet me here by 5. So she should be here any minute now.

"Hey Matt!" I heard a voice behind me call out. I turn around to see Jennifer running up to me.

"Hey Jenn!" I said while giving her a hug.

"So what'd you call me to the park for?" She asks.

I move so she can see what's behind me. Once she sees the setup she gasps.

"Oh my gosh Matt you did this all for me?" she gushed.

"Of course!" I say while motioning her to sit down.

"Jenn, I brought you here because I want to ask you something.."

McKenna's POV

"Kenna let's go on the swings." Jessica said plainly.

We go over to the swings and start swinging. While I'm swinging I saw this couple right near the Oak Tree I always used to climb with Matt. Ugh we have to many memories together that I wish I could forget.

Of course, my curiosity decided to kick in and I went over to see if I knew the couple. I mean you never know! Its a small world.

As I get closer the people start to become more familiar to me. Right as I'm walking by the couple that's when I see it. Them.

Matthew and of course. Jennifer.

Jennifer's POV

"Jenn, I brought you here because I want to ask you something.."

Here it comes. What I have wanted him to ask me for forever now. I was starting to get annoyed of having to be all over him all the time. I mean I'm only trying to get with Matt because of that dumb bitch McKenna. Just to make her jealous. It started in 7th grade when her and Matt were dating. She rubbed Matt all in my face so all I'm doing is returning the favor.

"Well. I wanted to know if you would be my girlfriend?"

FINALLY! It took the dumb ass long enough to ask me out. I seriously was sick of having to pretend to like him. Now all I have to do is rub it in McKenna's face.

"Yes. Yes I would love to be your girlfriend Matt!!"

Hopefully that sounded believeable enough.

The funny thing is, I was the reason they broke up! I kissed Matt when he was drunk. It was his fault he was drunk.

Not mine.

Wow she's a bitch. Anyways I hope you like it(: Comment if you want more!

Don't Forget Me-Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now