Chapter 8

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Taylor's POV

I quickly walk out of the house and to my car.

I feel myself let out a breathe I didn't even know I was holding in.

"That was too close." I mumble to myself.

I fumble with the keys in my hand and put them into the ignition of my Lambo.

I pull out of McKenna's driveway and drive off.

As I'm driving, I turn the radio up.

She looks so perfect standing there

In my American Apparel underwear

"Ugh.." I grunt changing the song. It reminds me too much of McKenna, and what I'm doing to her.

I'm a complete idiot. Yet, I continue to drive away.


Once I pull into the driveway, I walk to the front door.

The door opens and there she stands.

"Hey Taylor!" She greets.

"Hey J-" I start.

"Come in." She says cutting me off.

I walk inside her house.

She then immediately connects her mouth to mine and I immediately kiss her back. Suddenly our kiss turns more intimate. We are full blown making out.

Why am I doing this?


I don't hate McKenna. I just really like Taylor. I've always liked him. He's always liked me.

Of course, she had to ruin it.

She ruins everything. I'm sick of it.

So, I'm going to ruin her.

Taylor is mine.

McKenna's POV

I sit alone in my room. To say the least, I'm bored to death.

Of course I like Taylor, but I am now thinking about how Matt kissed me.

How Matt gave me butterflies in my stomach.

How he put his arm around me whenever he could.

How he winked at me on dates.

How he passed me notes in class.

How he would walk all the way across school just to walk me to class.

How- I cut myself off. I slowly stand up and walk my way to the bathroom. I'm going to regret this.

I open up the cabinet and pull out a blade.

I look at my thighs.

I have 7 cuts on my left thigh, and 6 on the right.

I put the blade down before I cut. I need to stop. Even if I want to cut, I won't. I don't want to live with knowing that I did this over a silly boy.

I walk out of the bathroom and back to the living room.

I pick up my phone and see that I have a text. A lump forms in my throat when I read who it's from.

I open my phone up to read the text.

"I'm sorry-Matt"

"Stop." I type and send before thinking.

"You're dad invited my dad and I over to dinner."

This is what I get for not telling my dad about why Matt and I broke up.

I get up and walk to the bathroom.

I'm done. This time I'm not turning back.

I cut both of my thighs again.

One cut for me being stupid.

Another, for me loving Matt.

I can't deal with Matt. He plays games. I don't want to play his games though.

Matt cheated on me.

Taylor would NEVER do that!

I cut again.

Lastly, for me believing Matt.

"McKenna, dear, are you home?" I hear my fathers voice ask.

I quickly lock the door incase he decides to come in.

"Um.. one sec dad." I scream looking at the blood running down my legs.

I quickly wash the blade and put it in the cabinet. I grab a washcloth and wipe my thighs.

If anyone sees it I'll tell it I- Hmm. I got it! I'll tell them I was on my period or something! That works for now!

I throw the rag in the hamper and unlock the door. Taking a deep breath, I walk into the kitchen.

"Hey Kenna! A special guest is coming for dinner tonight! Guess who!" My dad tells me excitedly.

"I wonder." I mumble.

"What?" My dad asks not understanding what I said.

"I said 'I don't know'!" I say trying to convince him.

"Oh, well it's Matt and his dad! Isn't that exciting!" He exclaims.

"Yes, very!" I smile sarcastically.

He luckily doesn't note the sarcasm and tells me to get ready.

I run upstairs and change. I look barely presentable but I don't really care.

I just hope this dinner goes by quickly.

Sorry for the wait.. Who do you think Taylor is cheating on McKenna with? Is it Jordan? Or nah? Comment for more!(:

Don't Forget Me-Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now