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Annabeth's POV

"Oww," was the first phrase that came out of my mouth. I groaned and sat up, shaking the cobwebs out of my head.


I screamed when a huge black widow crawled out of my ear and down my back. Shuddering at the thought of what else was in there, I felt more eight legged arachnids in my head, which made me scream more and shake my head.

After five minutes of shaking my head, all the spiders and their eggs were finally gone. Hearing a deep chuckle behind me, I grew upset. "You just had to let the spiders in my head, didn't you?"

Smiling, the figure nodded and said "It's funnier this way. Plus, just because your mother disowned you," I flinched at that "doesn't mean you've lost your fears." Grumbling incoherent 'words' to myself, I stood up, only to be face-to-face with the World's Deadliest Assistant.


He was just as I remembered him. Dark purple gloves, greaves, breastplate, and a shapeless dark blob for a face. It was weird, but somehow he was able to create facial expressions in that mess he called a face.

"I must say," Tartarus pouted "for a two time protector of Olympus, you think awfully of others." Groaning, I gently pushed his shoulder and muttered "What did I tell you about reading other people's thoughts Tar Tar?"

Giving me his patented Primoral Death Stare®, he showed me the longest finger in his hand and muttered "Why did I ever agree to let you give me a nickname?" "Because you called me Spider Girl" I responded, laughing wholeheartedly.

Grunting in agreement, he managed a small smile and said "Fair enough. Well, c'mon Spider Girl. We've got some work to do." Turning around, he walked out of the door to the dungeon I rebuilt myself in.

Yes, I said rebuilt myself. Apparently, being given Tartarus' blessing means you don't go to the Underworld after death, so I've been able to put myself together afterwards in his palace. After Nico decapitated me, I recuperated from a train wreck, swords impaled in every body part, and an arrow through the knee.

That last one doesn't sound too violent, but it was a blunt arrow covered in poison.

"Why do you leave me to recuperate in a cold, damp dungeon below your palace?" I asked, not really expecting an answer. After a small chuckle, Tartarus answered back "My wife would make me fade if word got out" without turning around. Confused, I sped up to step in front of him. "How come" I asked, now genuinely curious.

Apparently a sensitive topic for him, he growled at me, effectively scaring me into silence. Muttering unflattering things about his cooperation skills, I walked over to the set of stairs I climbed so many times before.

Reaching the top, I squinted my eyes, not expecting to see the sun. After a moment, my eyes adjusted and I was able to take in my surroundings. What I heard scared me, but not as much as what I saw.

"It's not going to be ready" I heard a telkhine mutter, shoving his way past me. I noticed something gleaming in his arms, so I tried focusing on it.

What I saw scared me so much I had to have a double take to make sure it was real. It was a long pole of superheated metal, with a crescent on one end. Taking it over to a pool of water, the telkhine dumped it in.

With a hiss loud enough to awaken a drakon, the raw metal steamed as it made contact. When the smoke cleared, the telkhine jumped into said pool and came out, the weapon he finished gleaming in his hands.

Kronos' scythe had been reforged. And it was ready to see some blood.

Seeing that damned blade turned my blood to ice, something that happened rarely nowadays. Images flooded my mind, things and people I hadn't seen or thought of in years.

Charles Beckendorf

Michael Yew

Silena Beaurgard



Ms. O'Leary

And most painful of all, Luke Castellan.

I felt a presence walk up behind me, one that was vaguely familiar. Turning to face said stranger, I felt my movements, even my brain, become sluggish. Looking around, I noticed other telkhines and cyclops doing the same. Then, someone walked in front of me and ruined my life once more.

The Titan of Time.


And he did not look happy.

"Well well well" he said calmly, his eyes blazing with anger. "If it isn't Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena." Growling at the title he gave me, I struggled against his power, trying hard to move. Seeing my forehead break into a sweat, he cackled and continued "If my sources are correct, you even had a relationship with the boy I fought in Olympus' Throne Room."

"Kronos," I heard an all-too-familiar voice chide "stop messing with the girl. She's only a demigod." Turning to face the newcomer, Kronos' eyes widened as he hastily bowed to his stepfather.

"Tartarus" he said in a monotone voice. "I didn't see you there." Tar Tar's response was to laugh wholeheartedly and pat Kronos on the shoulder, like friends do. "Nothing to fret over, child," Tartarus responded, which seemed only to anger Kronos. "I did not wish to be seen. I wanted to see how you'd react to my savior."

Apparently not well I thought angrily. Then I looked up and saw the Titan and Tar Tar staring back at me angrily. Stop reading my mind! I 'shouted', making the two flinch. Plus, I continued, staring pointedly and Kronos why do you care about what I'm thinking? Kronos, being Kronos, simply ignored my question.

"How did she save you" he asked glaring at Tartarus. "Last I checked, no mere demigod could-" "Did you keep in contact with Arachne?" Tartarus asked, a fire growing in his eyes. "I-I have not, father" he responded shakily, obviously thrown off by the question.

"Well," Tar Tar said, the fire diminishing somewhat "She was the first Athenian to bring her down." Kronos paled noticeably and turned to face me, respect clear as day in his eyes. "I apologize for the way I treated you" he muttered, so low I almost missed it.

Laughing, I patted his shoulder and responded "Don't sweat it, you weren't there for that accomplishment." Now glaring at me, he "retracted his statement." Turning away from him, I looked up towards Tartarus, keen on finding out why we were here.

Before I could ask, he put his hand up, asking for silence and answered, "Well, Annabeth, why would we be up on the surface?" Clearly confused, he looked at me and sighed. Addressing me directly, he looked me in the eyes and said:

"We're bringing down those blasted camps, then tearing down Olympus."



This story's gonna get serious starting in the next part, boys. Buckle up for the ride!

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