...well shit

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Artemis' POV

After that extremely awkward failed interrogation, I flashed me and the demigod back to camp. Now thoroughly embarrassed with myself, I was a little distracted when we arrived.

"Where the hell were you two?

I frowned, wondering where I heard that voice before. I was, again, distracted. Not to mention I was just reintroduced to godhood, so I wasn't used to teleporting yet. I looked around, attempting to find the speaker.

Then I saw him.

I turned to my left and found myself face-to-face with a Chinese man. He was reasonably tall, and had a good build. His face was somewhat lean, with a buzzcut on the top.

"Frank," the girl chided "I'm okay. She didn't do anything. We just went to have a little talk" at that she winked at me, which I responded to with a glare.

"I don't think we've formally met," I said, offering my hand. "Hi. My name is Artemis, Goddess of The Hunt and Moon. Or, to Romans, I'm Diana." Seeing him pale as the words sunk in led me to let out a small chuckle, which made him paler.

"I-I thought you hated men" he muttered. I smirked and said "I don't hate men. I simply had trust issues with most of them." Raising his eyebrow, I quickly added "I used to be quite fond of men, before the Orion Incident."

"Ah" he said, releasing a breath of air. "Wait. You said 'had trust issues.' What changed?" he asked, raising his eyebrow again. Receiving a harsh glare, he quickly apologized and took Hazel off to wherever they went. Chuckling, I went back to my cabin.

Instantly, I was met with a unanimous "LADY ARTEMIS!" and tons of tiny hugs from the younger Hunters. Laughing, I hugged them back as I fell backwards. "Time for Part B!" Jeanine shouted, which confused me.

However, it was made clear what Part B was soon enough.

Instantly, the older Hunters shouted "DOG PILE!" and began throwing the younger ones on top of me. Soon enough, I was comfortably squished under all the Hunters, Zöe and Thalia included.

"Alright girls," I groaned, feeling the pain settle in. "You got me. Now, get off before someone get's hurt." Thalia chuckled and said "You mean you'll get hurt. Don't let up girls, no matter what she says!"

Narrowing my eyes at her, I said "If the lot of you don't get off of me right now, you're out of the Hunt, no matter what you say or do." Noticing some of the youngsters directly above me share nervous looks, I smiled triumphantly.

At least, until Percy walked in.

Walking in, he was smiling and looking at someone out of the doorframe. As soon as he turned, his smile disappeared, replaced with a look of confusion and something else I couldn't identify. Taking in what he saw, he turned right back around and walked out, slamming the door behind him.

Feeling confused, I looked up at the other Hunters, only to get the same look in response. Thalia and Zöe however, seemed worried and maybe even a little upset. Seeing them worried made me anxious, so I extracted myself from the dog pile and walked outside to see what Percy wanted to see me about.

I looked around, noticing some campers look at me strangely. Realizing I was still in my newer form, I tried changing back to the one I knew, only to fail miserably. Guess I still can't change back I thought sadly. But now I thought evilly I can pull pranks on campers.

I laughed to myself, only to remember why I was outside in the first place. One mental forehead slap later, I asked one of the campers where Percy was. Scared half to death, she told me that he either spent his time at the beach or in the arena.

Picking one, I walked passed the woods and the cabins to find myself at the shore. Unfortunately, it was very empty. Muttering angrily to myself, I decided I may as well look around at the place.

There wasn't much to look at the beach itself, but the horizon was amazing. Seeing as it was going through the sunset, the horizon was beautiful shades of purple, red, and yellow that no man or machine could ever recreate.

"Admiring the view?" I heard a familiar voice say. On instinct alone, I whirled around, hunting knife in hand, and attempted to strike the source of the voice. Parrying it easily, Percy grabbed my arm and looked me in the eye.

"Now Artemis" he chided, giving me a playful look "what did I tell you about stabbing people you know?" Hoping he couldn't see me blush, I said "Don't stab them," meekly putting the knife back in it's sheathe.

Smiling, he let go of my arm and sat down, patting the sand next to him. Questionably, I sat down, eyeing him warily. As soon as I did, his expression brightened even more, and I couldn't resist the urge to smile back. Damn you and your infectious smiles, I though giddily, losing myself to my thoughts in the process.

"-emis. Artemis!" Percy shouted, suddenly bringing me back to the world of the living. Jerking my head up, I accidentally headbutted him while shouting "What!?"

Rubbing our heads, we grimaced and looked at each other, only to realize we did the exact same thing. Laughing it off, we made ourselves comfortable in the sand, observing the stars above us.

After a few minutes in comfortable silence, Percy wrapped his long, muscular arm around my shoulders, bringing me closer to him and making me blush simultaneously. Nevertheless, I embraced the warmth, wrapping my arms around his waist and snuggling into his chest.

After more minutes of very comfortable silence, I broke it. "Why did you run away from me earlier?" I questioned, using a tone that made it clear he wouldn't dodge the question. The smile slowly disappeared from his face and he let out a heavy sigh.

"N-Never mind," I stammered, trying not to feel bad for asking. "No," he said "it's fine. It's bothering you since it happened." Before I could counter him, he raised a hand and said "I know it has been. Thalia and Zöe confronted me about it afterwards."

Narrowing my eyes, I asked "What?" in a tone that made him flinch. "Sorry" I muttered, cranking down the anger rising slowly. "Why did they confront you?" He grimaced, most likely hesitant to tell me. Finally, he muttered "Worried about you," so low that I almost missed it.

"Why" I asked nonchalantly, ignoring Percy's look of bewilderment. "T-They thought I did something wrong before and I came to apologize. Or" he added, smirking a little "try to 'get busy' with you, according to Thalia." Groaning out loud, I tucked my head farther into Percy's chest before responding.

"They're worried I broke my vows."

Nodding, Percy held my hand, rubbing my knuckles softly. "They don't trust me anymore, especially when it concerns you." He paused, sighing before he trusted himself to continue. "They think my time at college with you turned me into some stereotypical man-pig that you hate."

"Well they're not completely wrong," I muttered quietly, attempting to lighten the mood. Instead, from Percy's shocked and saddened expression, I did the exact opposite. "N-No Percy I didn-" He cut me off with a kiss to the cheek. While I sat there completely bewildered, Percy stood up and muttered "Now you know why they worried."

He then stormed off into the ocean in front of me, apparently planning on staying for a while.

Hi guys!

Holy crap almost 2K reads!? HOW DO YOU DO IT??

Thanks for staying patient with me guys. I mean it; if you really liked this story, it must've sucked waiting this long. But thanks for sticking in there!

Okay, crazy idea

What do you guys want to have happen in the next part?

Comment your answer and I'll pick one that has the most comments. (Not counting mine or discussions)

Thanks and see y'all in the comments!

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