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Frank's POV

One Year Ago...

It's been a year since the fight with Gaea. A year since I last saw Percy. Sure, he's probably been busy, but I wanted to do a little catching up with him. Finding a golden dramacha at camp was harder than expected, but the incantation was simple and actually kinda fun to say.

A moment later, me and Hazel were staring through a rainbow at Percy. Gods, he looks terrible. Before he notices us, I shout, "HEY PERCY!" he freezes and slowly looks around, trying hard to find the source of my voice. While he's looking, I notice his eyes are awfully bloodshot and he had tons of tissue boxes next to him.

Finally, he notices the glowing rainbow behind him and nearly falls off his bed. After a short burst of laughter from me and Hazel, we start grilling him on stuff. Y'know, the stuff you usually ask your PTSD-riddled friend after not having spoken to him for a year.

"So what's with all the tissues?" I ask, completely throwing everyone off guard. While Hazel was scolding me for asking, Percy was laughing and eventually calmed down enough to tell us.

"Okay okay okay. Now that that's over with-" Hazel cut him off, "Percy, it's fine if you don't want to say. Keep it to yourself if you want." He shook his head stubbornly, "I want to tell you guys. You are my best friends after all."

"I mean, if you really want to," I said, getting a slight glare from Hazel. He nodded. "Okay, so, there's a lot you guys missed out on, but long story short, Annabeth cheated on me and I got kicked out of camp. I'm currently stressing out over college, yet I don't even know if high school was a success." Sensing we were pissed, he quickly added, "Don't do anything about the whole Annabeth situation. She made her choice, and I plan on respecting it."

Hazel shook her head angrily. "That's the problem Percy. You're too nice to everyone. Sooner or later, someone's gonna take advantage of it." Percy gave her that ever-famous smirk. "But I know when to tell people to stop. It just hurts that someone I grew up with did it."

Sensing he was still in the mourning phase, I intervened. "Alright. Well, if you need anything, just let us know, okay?" I could see Hazel giving me a look of confusion before I continued. "We'll call you later Perce. I can tell you still need time." gesturing to the boxes strewn across the bed.

He smiled. "Thanks Zhang. Well, talk to you guys later?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. I smiled "Heck yeah dude. But, we'll call you. After all," I said quietly, "there are some things we don't want you to see us do. Bye!" I waved as he cut off the connection.

I felt a small slap on my arm,but I proceeded to treat it as if it was fatal. I 'died' and Hazel just groaned and helped me up. Thank the gods I was lucky enough to meet this woman, I thought happily, smiling and taking her hand up.

Once I got up, the first thing I heard was, "Should we tell the others?" I shook my head and said, "If Percy wanted them to know, he would have told them. We can't go around telling people's secrets."

She groaned. "But this affects everyone!" she retaliated. "If he wants it to be known," I responded, "he will tell them. But at his pace. We can't force it, as badly as I wish he was okay."

She smiled. "I'm glad I have you as a boyfriend, Zhang." she whispered before giving me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled back and said, "Same here. I honestly feel so much better with you around than I did before. And for that, I thank you." I gave her a kiss back, which made her blush.

After laughing for a minute and getting a Lupa level glare from her, we walked off to the commons. Unfortunately, someone else was tuned in on our conversation. And that Hades child did not like what he heard.

Nico's POV (woah two POV's in one chapter??)

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Nico's POV (woah two POV's in one chapter??)

Saying I was pissed at what I heard was the understatement of the year. Instead of walking to the commons to eat dinner like I had planned, I shadow travelled to the cabin of a certain blonde I was thinking of.

Before I continue, there'd gonna be some MASSIVE cursing up ahead. Just letting y'all know.

I found myself in a cabin, with all the beds stuffed into the corner. Every other inch of the room had something related to architecture or books. Nevertheless, I noticed there was no one there. Confused, I walked outside, to be met with lots of sunlight. Damn, I thought angrily, the people who made my cabin did know we were all vampires.

After taking a moment for my eyes to adjust, I noticed everyone staring at me. I stood in the doorway, meeting everyone's gaze head on. Soon enough, they all started looking away. However, I walked over to the last person I was making eye contact with. Slamming him into a nearby cabin, I asked, "Where the fuck is Annabitch?"

Clearly trying not to shit his pants, he pointed over to the archery range. "You better hope to the fucking gods she's still there," I snarled, before dropping him and walking over there. People, noticing I was there, started moving out of my way, sensing I was pissed and probably out for blood.

I walked unchallenged to the archery range, which was immediately cleared out except for one blonde, grey eyed bitch. Apparently, she was either dumb as fuck or brave as Tartarus, but she just kept on shooting at the targets. After a moment of awkward silence, I remembered why I was here and stepped behind her while she was aiming.

Right when she let go of the arrow, I moved her elbow, making her shot go way off to the right. "What the Hades DiAngelo?" I heard her cry out in anger. I just looked her in the eyes and stared back, revealing no emotions or purpose for my visit. Another minute of awkward silence later, she finally asked, "What do you want Nico?"

"I want you to look me in the eyes," I responded, my voice steely calm, "and tell me why." Cue the nervous laugh. "T-tell you 'why w-what,' Ni-" I put my finger on her mouth, effectively stopping her lie. "Don't play stupid with me, bitch. I'm fucking done playing. Tell me what the hell you did that for, or I swear to the gods I will kill you where you stand."

After a pause of stunned silence, she laughed aloud and said, "If you lay a hand on me, Percy is going to come and kick your ass, Death Boy. So fuck off." I then proceeded to punch her in the gut so hard, she doubled over and began coughing up blood. "I told you," I snarled into her ear, "don't fucking play stupid with me cunt."

Gasping for air, she spat in my face and said, "Fuck you. Percy will ki-" I slammed my knee into her nose, breaking it quite easily. "If you leave now, and only now, I won't kill you and damn you to Punishment. Tell me, why the fuck did you cheat on him?"

She paled, instantly knowing what I was talking about. But, of course, she continued playing dumb. To keep it from getting too violent, let's just say my dad had some long needed fun in the Torture Chambers that day.

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