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The warlocks' name was a repeated whisper in her ear. Faint for a while, slowly it became a deep, calm. It was a man – that much she knew. But when she opened her eyes, there was no one. The voice had disappeared. There was only the rattle of the wind. She knew she'd recognised it but couldn't think where she'd heard it.

Cool air rushed, goosebumps prickling her skin. The full moon rose, illuminating the dark sky and the empty distance between the many worlds of the galaxy beyond. The witch's blonde hair rode the breeze, and a cold sensation crept across her neck and shoulders. The winter chill had started to make its way into the cabin where she and her two children resided, so she had to gather firewood. The ground was covered in snow, showing no blade of grass. She thought of how the creatures below ground would survive, then wondered the same of herself.

She turned, headed to the house on the slope of the hill, the windows glowing, flickering. Curling up by the fire with a hot cup of tea and her children by her side was a blissful thought. She smiled and took a step towards a small opening between the trees when she heard movement behind her. She stopped, her breathing shallow. Slowly, she turned to face the empty clearing. Her hand curled around the cool metal of the dagger strapped to her side. Glowing eyes – not beastly, human —a deep plumb purple was making its way closer. As danger crept closer, she remained paralysed.

Staring at the creature, she knew those eyes were not friendly. She knew that for sure. Recognising the colour, she quickly turned through the trees and ran deeper into the forest.

She knew he would follow her. The thundering footsteps felt only meters away.

Her eyes surveyed her surroundings, her mind shifting from one solution to another. Becoming desperate to escape from the one-way track she was running, she needed to go a different route from the house. The mother in her knew the consequences would be heartbreaking if she didn't. She ran to the left, towards the east side of the forest. She was aware that this route was away from the house and away from the disputed city.

Already halfway to the East side of the forest, she knew it was dangerous to pass the stream ahead, but she had to if it would get him off her back. The young witch embraced the power in her veins and sent a single blast to the figure behind. He easily dodged the shock of power and sped up his pace.

He started to waiver off track. The footsteps were becoming close as the route was coming to an end, meaning the woman had no other way to go. The witch's power strength was fading. She was becoming weak. She had expected it for a long while now but couldn't have been a more flawed moment for them to shift. She knew her time was up months ago, but she'd tried not to think about it. Her legs tired and sore; she knew she couldn't stop.

Finally, a blast had sent a sharp pain travelling through her spine. Paralysing her from head to toe, the pain was unbearable. It made her body feel as if she'd been set alight. Not only were her arms and legs useless to her, but also her lungs. They were starting to close in on her as the paralysis was growing deeper within her body. The dark, human-like figure came into view, but her vision had blurred as darkness was slowly taking over.

She was dying. Blood filling her mouth, the metallic taste strong. This spell was strictly illegal to cast. Every Witch or Warlock knew this. She didn't dare to speak his name as long as she lived.

He knelt beside her and pulled her up by her hood's collar. The same purple eyes were shining but still weren't clear; her blurred vision concealed his face.

"serás destruido," she said with pain, yet determination. The dark figure chuckled, looking down before drawing out his sword. He brought it down as it took the woman's dying breath.

The stars shone, and the night air fell still. So quiet. The dark figure slowly withdrew his sword from her chest and walked away, leaving nothing but the lifeless body of Delevigne Lagnora.

Korah: Heir of GnamaleaWhere stories live. Discover now