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Nahla had been so gracious to let them stay these couple of days. The young boys had finally come to warm up to Marcus and have conversed with him since yesterday. Samuel and Charlie are identical in her eyes, but to Nahla and Marcus, they are very much different. They had acknowledged Korah when Marcus had introduced us. The shy Charlie had given her a light hug, which she found; maybe the boys did have some differences. Charlie seemed to be quite affectionate towards those around him, whereas Samuel was quiet and closed off. The young boys being only the age of twelve, 're pretty smart, but their cheeky personalities towards their mother show the usual childish behaviour they characterise.

Korah found her spot on the floor close to Marcus sat in the armchair, the fireplace warming their bodies while she drinks tea. Marcus bites down on an apple from the kitchen basket and smooths his fingers through Korah's midnight hair. Her hair tangled from the few days she had kept it in the same plaited ponytail. She realised she needed to bathe. Nahla had a washroom in one of the rooms down the hallway, the bath deep and could warm her body for hours. She filled it to just over halfway and stepped into the hot water. The hot numbing her arms and legs, feeling only the calm feeling of water covering her body. The water and soap suds lifting the sweet rose scent to her nose. Covering her head with water, she let the suds go into her hair, letting the soapy liquid wash out all the grime and dirt from her dark strands.

As she lifts her head from the water, she heard a knock from the door. Marcus closed the door and lifted the stool to the room's corner, over by the bath. She looked up at him and smiled, "Would you mind washing my hair?" she asked as she handed him the soap. He rubbed his hands against the bar and placed it on the table in front of him, occupied with other lovely scented soaps and clean cloths. He grabbed hold of her hair and smothered it into her scalp. His hands felt like magic as he put pressure against the roots of her hair and through her long strands. He was so gentle with her, it sent shivers down her spine. The same electric feeling travelled through her veins, the blue map on her skin grew stronger. The power she held scared her, but it made her feel strong. Unstoppable. She didn't know whether it was evil, but she had hoped it would help her with getting her brother back. She thought it was good; she could control it; it wasn't hurting anyone intentionally unless she wanted it to.

Once Marcus had finished, he grabbed the pot from the floor - filled with warm water - he spilled it over her hair. Clean from grime and used suds, Marcus got the towel from the table beside him and held it out for her to wrap around Korah's body. She dressed into the same white long-sleeved flared shirt and paired it with a long moss coloured skirt and black corset. Her hair still wet, she walked from the washroom and into the living room, everyone still around the fire. The boys played a chess game while Nahla reads, and her eyes still on the two children. Seb filled the room with heat as he puts freshly chopped wood into the fire; Azula sat on the opposite armchair. Korah stood and watched the fire as it danced against its walls, heat meeting metal and bark.

"Korah, come sit down here, child" she smiled. Korah walked to the mother, sat in front of her on the floor, and smiled at the black-haired woman. She turned back around to face Marcus, and the fire as Nahla had begun brushing through her freshly washed hair. The brush lightly touched her scalp and moving through to the ends of her thick midnight blue hair.

"You have beautiful hair, Korah. I've never seen such a lovely colour" Korah smiled and thanked her. Once she had finished Korah's hair, it was nicely put into a thick plait with green ribbon twisted through the strands.

Korah sat in that same spot all day while Nahla reads to the boys, and to those who listen, the boys sat in excitement with their curious minds. The look of surprise and suspense in their eyes as Nahla speaks the pages words of mystery.

After dinner, the boys laid their heads on Korah's lap, the heat keeping the boy's cheeks and hair warm against her fingers as she lightly sifts through their hair. She had remembered what it'd felt like when her mother did the same for her and William as children. It brought to sleep on them both quickly, her light touch making their eyes heavy. The peace on their faces was too precious to disturb.

Nahla looked down at the three and smiled, whispering to Marcus. He got up from his seat, took Charlie from her lap, and carried the boy to one of the bedrooms. Instead of leaving Samuel to sleep, Nahla lightly woke him up and walked the boy to their room. Whiskey started to fill the air, and the group shared stories each hadn't heard before. Some great, and others too good to be true. Alistair always had the best stories. The abilities he possesses gives so much adventure in a memory. Once the whiskey bottle was empty and the room was intoxicated, everyone retired to their bedrooms for the night. Alistair and the pack filled their stomachs with most of the Whiskey but almost had become tolerant to the bitter and tobacco aromatic liquor. However, the youngest of the group was still learning his way to his full strength and forbear.

Tonight would be the last night they would take advantage of Nahla's hospitality. To stay another day would be selfish. They would leave by the following late afternoon; they would need rest for the following day. It became a worry to Korah. She worried that her abilities would only make things worse than any good, but she couldn't keep that attitude to herself. Marcus had become her consciousness like her mind were his own. When they retired to their rooms, the one the pair shared was dark. The only flicker of light is candlelit on the table on the opposing wall. Korah changed into a borrowed nightgown and slipped into the sheets. Marcus, bare-chested, and warm joined her in the soft bed and brought her close to him. His warm breath fanning her cheeks, the faint smell of Whiskey and mint overcame her. His hand brushing against her hip, the rune a permanent mark on her skin. A flutter ran through her body, like a rush of water took over her senses. A good feeling that brought her hope to what her newfound potential could bring to their journey tomorrow. She hoped that she would succeed in finding a way to give Azula a sense of alleviated relief, as well as the life she wanted for herself and Sebastian. To keep Welwyn, her mother's and her own people safe, to ensure Marcus' head remained on his shoulders, as well as his families. Upon this thought came the almost instant comfort of Marcus' voice.

"Until the moon, cold and unmoving, is swallowing by darkness, the daylight is shadowed upon mountains, and the river of peace dries between worlds. Until then, the undying love and bond will hold fast and true", his words are soft and genuine as he looks into her grey irises, and his continuing words are spoken directly to her soul. His words like magic on his lips; his eyes, his hands, his being, just as beautiful.

His words were burned in her mind, overtaking her constant impression she would bring them all to their downfall. She welcomed his kinds words and kissed him slowly. His lips plump and soft, against hers - what felt - dry and sharp. His kiss bringing her happiness and determination to bring Gnamalea and her people back to what this city could be again. 

Korah: Heir of GnamaleaWhere stories live. Discover now