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The following day, Korah packed everything she could fit in her satchel. She didn't care much about clothing other than the ones she wore on her back. She carefully gathered her small bottles of medicine and potions she'd need. Before going any further, she looked over at Marcus and shook him awake. "Marcus, come on, we're leaving". He slowly woke and gave her a look of confusion. She knew he deserved an explanation, but she had no time to explain."Where are we going? You can't go anywhere with your leg like that," he was right, but the gel was starting to work its magic."I'll be fine. You need to pack everything small for our trip. Could you please get my axe? Oh, and a fresh loaf in the cupboard," she continued to carefully pack the bottles into her bag when she noticed her mother's book lying atop the others. Would she need it? All the questions ran through her mind, but she willingly picked it up and put it in her bag, staying aware of the glass bottles. She quickly changed into her long-sleeved black dress and wrapping the long, golden belt around her waist. Marcus held her axe and bread as he put the loaf in his own satchel and handed over her axe. She tied the axe to her belt and pulled on her shoes and hood. Then she realised something. How was Marcus supposed to defend himself? He needed some sort of weapon. "First stop, Quill. Quill is a good friend of mine. He's a Blacksmith, and we need to fix you up with some proper weaponry," his face changed to a look of fear."Why would I need a weapon? Where are we going?". Korah looked at him and sighed. If she didn't tell him now, he would never let it go. He would keep pestering her until her brains popped out of her skull and would possibly consider killing him."Last night, I couldn't sleep, and I remember thinking from the moment my mother died, and the moment my brother was taken from me, what would Gnamalea be like if the King had chosen someone nobler for the throne. Why would the King give the throne to someone so irresponsible? Tulio was a wise man; he wouldn't choose someone like our current leader". Marcus, of course, didn't understand."So... what are you saying?"."I'm saying. What if the King hadn't died from old age, or sickness like everyone has heard? ...What if he was murdered?"."You're saying Amatus is a fraud? Or possibly a murderer?", he was confused, but she could sense he understood a little. She may be wrong, and she had no proof, but the King was only in his late fifties from what she knows. So, how could he die of old age? If he was sick, people would have heard about it a long time ago. "You want to get through those castle gates? That's fine. What has this got to do with me?"."I need your help. You will be in no harm-""No harm? I'm a wanted thief, and I'm pretty sure my head is worth two times the price of yours" he was right. She was wrong to bring him into something like this, but how else was she supposed to survive on her own?"Marcus, the blame will be on me. If you help me, I will help with anything. I know you steal for the benefit of your family. I know you're struggling; I can help. Everything I own can be sold to you and could be sold for euros. I swear this to you if you help me save our city and our home".He didn't say anything for a long time. If Korah were in his position, she would be thinking long and challenging too. This is a big deal; putting life in her hands to save a city was a huge sacrifice, but willing to sell all she had to this man who she'd just met was something she would usually need to think twice about. For him, it was so easy to let it all go. She was that desperate. "I'll do it," shocked by his words, she didn't say much at all. "On one condition," she nodded and waited. "If you're wrong, and the King isn't someone you thought he was, and you survive. You leave Gnamalea. No sacrifices, no exchanging, no selling anything. Just packing up and leaving, not only for yourself but for everyone else".She was hurt by his condition, but he was right. If she was wrong about Amatus, she would have no choice but to leave. She wouldn't live with herself if she stayed. That was her promise. "Deal," Korah nodded and shook his hand before turning back around and continued to walk towards the city.The walk was short to Quill's tent. The occasional stubborn behaviour from Marcus was quickly noticed. His shoulders slouched as he dragged his feet along the dirt towards his tent was aggravating, but she continued nonetheless. Once she opened the curtain door, she saw Quill sitting at his desk with a feather quill and paper. He looked up with his framed glasses he rarely wore and stood before greeting us, but before Marcus could come any closer to her, he seemed to have recognised Marcus. The look on his face was both confused and angry. "What ye doin' wit him young Paloma?" he said in a harsh whisper."I will explain everything once you promise to do something for me, Quill", she pleaded. She knew he was willing to set an agreement, but she didn't think how lenient he would be with her and the accused thief in his workshop. She completely understood, but this was for his benefit too. Gnamalea is his home also, and I know all too well how much it means to him that the city is restored. We've had many conversations regarding his family passing during the Great Battle that had taken place just a few years before either William or Korah were born. She remembered the story being told as he explained that we had first gained our friendship over the two weeks, remembered skimming through another book she'd found in Phorys. The significant title concerning a battle, but she hadn't cared to read it.Her satchel, she'd noticed, started to become heavy on her shoulder. She lifted it over her head and placed it on his desk as he looked up at her and waited for her to explain. Marcus leant against the thick pillar and played with the dirt under his boots. "Quill, the past few years. You knew that I am a very secretive person; you know that the city is filled with selfish people. You have even told me yourself," he nodded and scrunched his eyebrows as he was trying to make sense of what I was saying."But this requires the most selfish of all men ye know to mankind," he stopped and realised what she was leading to. He knows how she feels about the King. He remembered what promise she made to herself and the people in Gnamalea."Kèla, ye know that's impossible," he chuckled. She looked at him with my eyebrow raised."Why do you think I brought him?", she said turning her body to Marcus. He lifted his head of curls to look up at her but quickly looked over at Quill, who had his fists clenched to his side. The veins in his temple were showing, ready to pop from his thick skin. "Quill, what's gotten you so angry?" she slowly moved closer to him."Ye goin' to put yer life in danger for this...fool?" Marcus hadn't moved from his spot. She would have thought Quill's behaviour would have frightened him. Marcus moved closer to his opponent and stopped three feet away from Quill's heavily built body as he looked up at him with a calm expression."I am willing to help, whatever it takes to get my families life back" he seemed so proud of his rebellious endangerment, or maybe he was just proud of his family's honour. Either one, he wasn't backing out of the deal. She wouldn't think he would if he could get this close to a living and breathing human version of a rhino."Kèla, do ye really trust this man?" he said, still eyeing the well-built man. She thought about it for a second. Could she trust this man entirely before putting both their lives at risk? Could she possibly be responsible for another life?She nodded and gave him a warm smile. Quill sighed before walking over to his metal rack and pulled off a thick rusty piece of metal that looked to have been a scrap piece of an old sword. "Come on, Quill, be nice," she said as he put the small rod to Marcus's body for measuring. A mock display for how tall he must be compared to him."Oh, come on, I couldn't help it," she rolled my eyes and watched as he prepared to work on the sword. As he sat down, the sharp scrapes against the stone filled the room. Marcus stood still with his arms crossed against his chest. He stood behind her as she sat down in the empty seat on the other side of the room."So, how did you meet Mr Marshmallow?" Marcus asked with an entertained smirk on his lips."Mr Marshmallow? I'm pretty certain you were the one crawling into a ball and almost wet your slacks," Korah laughed. He glared at her and shook his head at her teasing comment.Another hour and Quill's handy work was again impressive. She admired his work so much, especially his work on her Labrys. She brought out the heavy axe and stared at it in awe. The carved wings shimmered in the dull light. She traced each jagged carving with her finger. The carving with each perfect line, as you could tell, was used with a thin carving knife. Her hand curled around the covered handle of the axe, a small beaded chain hanging from the top piece of the fabric. The beaded bracelet she had worn the night her brother had been taken. She had kept it since she was just a young girl after William had given it to her on her tenth birthday. She missed her brother entirely, while every day was a constant pain to have to bear. His face always made its way into her mind. His blonde hair and grey eyes were always the first things she'd remember about him. Korah's body started to warm up, which was abnormal considering the icy winter air. Her anger built up as she thought more about her brother and thought of the worst possibilities she had concluded deep in her mind. Her nails dug through her skin as she clenched her fists and teeth harder. Her body was hot as if she had a fever and shaking with rage as she breathed heavily to herself. She felt a surge of electricity like an electric shock run from her chest to her fingers. It shocked her, but before it could go any further, she was distracted by a voice."Kèla, are you okay? You're shaking like a leaf," Marcus asked, kneeling in front of her. The voice calmed her down, and she knew it was him. The fake name she had given to herself sounded perfect on his tongue.She opened her eyes and saw both the two men were watching her with concern."Oh, sorry", their faces began o look deeper in worry. "I-I guess I'm just cold," she stuttered."How could you be? You're burning up," Marcus touched her arm. This set her to jump from the contact of his cold skin. He looked up at her this time with confusion. He probably thought she was going crazy."Strange," she had never felt that kind of feeling before. It was as if she could feel her veins thickening, what she thought to be electricity, to be running through her body. Strange indeed.As they were leaving the tent, Quill gave Korah a farewell embrace."Stay strong, Korah, Paloma", he whispered as he tightened his arms around her. Once they pulled apart, she stared at him in shock. How did he know? How long had he known her true identity? She was sure, not long, if he was willing to accept her. Quill turned to Marcus and handed him his new weapon. Marcus's sword was dark silver held by a bronze rain guard, a wolf head and a crossguard's shape. The grip made with leather and a bronze pommel. It suited him well."Thank you, Quill"; he nodded and gave me a genuine smile. People started to make more conversation all around us and had their attention was caught by loud chattering."Korah, we have to go. Soldiers are scouting the area again," Marcus said as he led me back through the trees behind Quill's tent, but it seems we were too late. The Captain stood waiting for them.

Korah: Heir of GnamaleaWhere stories live. Discover now