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Their legs had become numb from the cold. The thick layers of snow had become a blanket over their ankles, and their boots and slacks wet from the slushed floor. Alistair and his pack had stuck close during the trip; their woollen tunics and thick pants had been enough to keep the bulky men warm.
They had been walking for four days. They were hungry and tired, with nothing left to feed off. The only things occupying Korah's bag were medicines. They should have gotten to Gnamalea earlier if they'd gone through the route from the village's northwest. But didn't want attention drawn. Korah's mind wondered how Alejandro really felt about her, without his duty to the King; if he had been the man, she had met all those years ago as a child. His kind face was something she would feel joy from, but it grew from fear to anger.
Korah hadn't known loyalty for a long time until she'd met Marcus. Yes, it doesn't seem that he had been loyal since they left the burrow, but she understands he had something to protect of his own. His betrayal to the King and Alejandro gives Korah proof he had something else to cover. Which made her heart grow fonder and makes her bond with him more vital than anything she had felt before.Azula had gotten much better as the days passed. She was weak and drowsy from the cold weather, but as the weather had started to disperse into a cool spring, her spirits had been lifted.The walls of the kingdom tower are drawing closer, and the roads had become more expansive.
"What will we do when we step through these gates? Eyes will be over every inch of those walls. We can't just walk through with a giant red flag on each of our heads".
Azula was right; it would be like we were walking to the guillotine ourselves.
Korah looked down at her dress and noticed it would be like a giant red target on her back; it's too... extravagant. An old, dirty dress and tights would be delicate. These people choose to keep the money to feed their families and land, but though Gnamalea had nice clothes and large buildings, money had become scarce and little. Gnamalean's were left with their lovely fabrics, but they'd started to become fair and ragged. To be able to get past the wall and become almost invisible.
Korah needed to find the closest house on the city's border, but most relative to the outer parts of Gnamalea was an old hut she briefly remembered taking a glimpse.The hut looked old enough to be abandoned. The curtains stained by the years of summers before, and its door chipped. Off-white shirts blow in the wind as she carefully draws closer to the logwood house. She pulls the shirts and slacks, and thin, frail off-white dress from the wire, and an old brown and black dress lying in the grass below.
With the change of clothes, and the elegant dresses kindly left in a bush, they walked towards the tall wall and retraced the steps Korah and Marcus had taken on that day they'd left. The grappling hook still wedged into the stone, they - one by one - climbed the wall into the open gap. It was quiet. The only sound coming from the trees rustling in the chilled wind. Attaching the hook from the opposite side's opening, they found their way to the ground again. A friendly welcoming was new to Korah; she had never seen the Gnamalean forest quiet. She felt she could breathe again.
The walk to the market streets could take at least half a night. The group were hungry and would need to find food and shelter as quickly as possible, and the thought of the walk during the darkest hour made her skin crawl.
Seb spoke first, "So your mother will welcome us into your home willingly?" she had wondered the same.
She seems like such a caring and loving person that she couldn't see why she wouldn't, but Korah had also come to the fact that she could be angry with her son for leaving without notice and with someone who, a mother, could feel threatened by.
"Of course. My mother doesn't wish bad luck on anyone. Not unless she feels they deserve it".
That didn't seem to calm Korah's nerves, but Marcus had said that she shouldn't keep those thoughts wondering.
Korah hadn't felt a mothers love in such a long time; she had become unfamiliar with the trust a mother can have for her children. The love a mother can have for her children. Being an orphan for most of her life, she had become alienated. From a young age, being on her own has taught her to become her own companion and only trust her nature, but never the people. She had become an assassin and warrior of her own. Taught herself a difficult way of life.
The cold ground had become a pool of green as the winter began to disappear, and the trees were free to grow their sprouts. The chilled air flows through the forest, and the hibernated creatures are starting their travels for food and new homes. She hadn't seen Gnamalea this green and beautiful for a long time. She usually would stay indoors for most of the winter; food was always scarce in the cold, and she would prepare herself for the months to come before isolating herself in the burrow.They continued their way to the city as the sun sets over the trees.The darkest hour had started to draw closer, and they had reached the city outskirts by small hours. It, however, wouldn't be wise to wonder the middle streets when the lantern poles were still lit, able to draw attention to themselves.
Instead, Marcus led them to a close cottage in the second row of cobbled streets. The house was lit from the inside with old pots surrounding the front of the house, the flowers dry and long gone from lack of water and sunlight. The yellow cottage gave joyful vibes and put a smile on Korah's face. She could already tell Marcus' mother was a bright person. Marcus brought the four and the pack to the front door and gently knocked on the wooden door. It was quiet for a few minutes before the door opened to a woman; her features are beautiful and much like her sons. Her dark hair was tightly curled and shoulder-length, and her eyes the same colour but a much brighter green than Marcus'. A smile came to her face when she looked up at her son. Her eyes wide and brimmed with tears as she brought him into a tight hug.
"Quickly, come in", she says quietly. She opens the door wider and lets the group come into the cottage. The kitchen was the first thing you would walk into. Once you walked in the door, the room smelt of herbs and fresh tea. Korah discovered her next favourite smell. The smell of a home, she hadn't known home to be this big in such a long time. Nahla closes the door behind and turns to face all of us. She comes close to her son again and brings a kiss to his cheek.
"Where have you been off to? It's been almost two months with not even a letter". He smiles and apologises to the woman under his stare."I had to go away for a while", he turns to Korah and extends his hand to her.
"Korah needs my help to get her brother back from the King, and we needed some help along the way". His mother turns her attention to the unfamiliar faces and brings her eyes back to the blue-haired beauty.
"Why she's special to you, ain't she?" she smiles at the girl. Korah was nervous to hear his mothers words. The woman turns her attention entirely onto the young girl and smiles.
"I am Nahla; it's a pleasure to meet you, dear Korah, and of course to your friends. You are welcome to stay in our home as long as it is needed".
Marcus was right; she was a charming woman. She showed love to all of us without hardly knowing our names.Later, she showed us to our rooms and dressed us in clean, new clothes. She had given Korah a white long-sleeved shirt that fit her figure perfectly, tight against her waist and matched with a long dark brown skirt and a lighter brown outer skirt. It was a lovely dress; it was much too sweet to wear on the streets to get it dirty. The flared sleeves on the shirt draped at her sides and her hair tied into a plaited ponytail. Marcus changed into a plain buttoned shirt, and thick blue buckled jacket and slacks. It hugged his future nicely too, she had never seen Marcus wear something so lovely yet comfortable. Korah felt so at home here, and of course, so did he. She had never seen him so comfortable and relaxed since she had met him. Alistair posted himself and the pack around the house. Some at bedroom doors and some at the doors and windows.Nahla was, of course, concerned about the need for security, but as they're all surrounding the small table in the kitchen, Marcus explains their whereabouts for the past couple of months. The table only occupying five chairs at the table; Korah takes her place in a chair with Marcus resting his hands on her shoulders, his mother sat next to her facing Korah and her son. Azula took her spot in the chair on one side of Korah; Seb sat by her with a teacup. Alistair and his Beta take the remaining seats listening.
"After Wêlwyn, we came here. To our surprise, with the captain not stepping on the backs of our shoes. This is the only place the captain hasn't come close to, and even if it's for a night or two, we thought it was much safer than anywhere else" Nahla nodded in agreement.
"What about your brothers? Since your arrival, they haven't dared to come out to see you. They aren't as forgiving as I am; I guess they get that from your father", she giggled. It brought a smile to Korah's face as she talks about her family. It made Korah sad that his brothers don't feel so forgiving to Marcus for trying to provide for them. The two briefly came out of one of the hallway's rooms and hadn't said a word. He walked back down the hallway, and we hadn't heard or seen them since. The young boy was so much different to Marcus and his mother, though they did show their similar eye colour. Their fathers look all over.As the night grew darker, Nahla had retired to her bedroom, and the four decided it would be best to get some rest after their long journey.
"Alistair. Would you mind keeping an eye on my brothers and mother during the night? Don't worry so much. Our bedrooms just keep an eye on the front, and back doors and their rooms" Alistair gave a small smile and nodded.
"Of course, they will be our priority watch. Sleep well, the both of you".
Korah smiles at the young man and sits on Marcus' bed sat in the middle of the room. His room empty but tidy. Pictures of himself and his family placed on his table against the wall on the right. A medal sat in the corner - one that would belong on a captain". She picked it up and smoothed her thumb across the cold metal and soft material sported with the green and blue tones representing Gnamalea. The green being the land and blue the water - the river that brings peace to the ground and connects all as one. It's old but had been around for centuries.Marcus approached Korah and looked at the old medal, taking a deep breath and releasing it. He smiled briefly, accepted the award carefully from Korah's fingers, and looked at the old piece.
"It was my fathers before he died. It was as soon as King Tulio's death. He dedicated his life to the King, and he died trying to protect him".
The sadness in his eyes broke her heart, but she knows Marcus would be thinking of how much a hero he was than what had happened to him. He must have been a loving father to his children, and he would have loved Nahla. Who couldn't? She was a lovely woman with so much love in her pinky finger than most people would have in their whole body.
Leaving Marcus to have a moment, she changed into a nightgown Nahla had given her under her pillow. It was an apricot pink that fit her figure nicely, long enough to reach above her knees. She likes how it felt against her skin, the silk material on her pale skin. Marcus soon joined her under the sheets of his bed, and they both laid in silence as the cold wind whistles against the wooden cottage. The walls of the housekeeping them toasty warm, keeping the warmth from the fireplace in the house. The overwhelming feeling of safety consuming Korah as she cuddled further into the soft and thick covers of the bed. Marcus' mossy green eyes watched her as his body heat radiates onto her.
"Nahla is so generous to have complete strangers into her house. She is wonderful", Korah whispers. Marcus moves his arm from his side to her waist, moving her closer to him and kisses her forehead.
"Well, I sure hope so", he smiles. Korah rubs her hand across his chest to his shoulder, where she remembers where the bond has been made. The rune connecting like a never-ending spiral of hearts. It was perfect. She gently rubs the new tattoo with her thumb and watches that it doesn't move, the permanent ink on his skin where it will remain. She feels Marcus does the same on her hip.
"My soul is yours", he quietly says, looking into her smokey irises.
Korah smiles and whispers back,"And mine yours".

Korah: Heir of GnamaleaWhere stories live. Discover now