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"Korah! it's been a long time!".

She took her axe out from her waist belt underneath her cloak and juggled it once in her hand. She kept her eyes on the Captain who sat upon his horse. Marcus drew out his sword with his feet grounded as he turned around to the soldiers stood behind him. "How about you make this nice and easy," he climbed down from his stallion and walked closer to her. She stepped back, wanting more space, as he seemed to have the need to get closer to her. She couldn't go any further once her back is against Marcus'.

"I'd rather not," Korah held tight on the grip of her axe and swung it right at the Captain. He blocked it with his sword and stared at her with his bold blue eyes. They were full of hate and revenge. She was sure hers were filled with just the same. This moment was the moment she had always dreaded, to come face to face with the one man whose life is set on killing her. The man she had been running from for three years.

She continued to swing her axe at the tall, muscly and dark-haired man with so much determination in his eyes. He never took his eyes off of her, but she found his weak spot. She kicked him on the shin, staggering him and kicking his chest, sending him flying back into the tree behind him. She ran to him as he sat in the thin snow, and roundhouse kicks him in the head. Marcus was struggling. Fighting off the five men against one. She kicked another in the chest as he prepares to swing his sword at Marcus' throat. She slit his throat and run to another two guards aiming for Marcus's back and grabbed hold of one hair and bring him in front of her as a shield, a thick piece of metal going through his torso. Korah spun and threw her axe at the furthest soldier in the neck before she axe kicks the approaching soldier and running back and grabbed hold of her weapon before throwing it back to Captain Alejandro and letting it just clip his hair. Kneeling in front of him, she watched as his breathing became heavy with fear. His eyes watching every move she made. "It'd be too easy to kill you," she chuckled. "See you next time, old friend". She punched him in the nose, knocking him out and pulled out her Labrys from the thick wood of the tree.

Marcus walked back toward her with sweat dripping from his hairline and tunic. He smiled with pleasure and looked down at his muddy boots. "Thanks for saving my arse back there". She smiled and nodded in response as he slid his sword back into his scabbard tied to his belt. "We need to leave, now".

They left towards the trees and headed to the Westside as the Sunset for the afternoon. The wait in Quill's tent seemed to have taken so long she had forgotten what time of the day it was. They walked all night. It was no doubt past midnight once they stopped to make a fire. Once she was sure their surroundings were safe, she made a small campfire under an old bridge. Their plan was to travel further West towards the border. Korah's plan to destroy the King was not something she could do with such limited people. Marcus was strong, she knew that, but she needed someone with experience. It was harder to find someone experienced around Gnamalea, and she's planned to follow the course she'd taken a few years ago.

Before the border between Gnamalea and Phorys was built, she visited the city a night's journey from Gnamalea. Somewhere she had heard medicinal plants were grown; she knew it would be helpful. Korah's fascination with medicine was a mystery to her. She had grown fond of the subject since she was a recent orphan. A few years back in the public markets of Phorys, she had met a friend, Azula, but not everyone knew her name. Azula was very much like Korah but had much more experience with weaponry. She was abandoned after her father was imprisoned for exchanging an illegal amount of gold to an outside dealer when she was just a child. They both shared a lot of things, including lost family. But they also shared their grey eyes. Although Phorys was only a night's walk with the border, they somehow had to sneak through. Korah looked above the trees and stared at the stone gate. She was sure they could climb it at dusk; it was the only way they could cross without being seen. "Korah," she turned her head to the dark-haired boy behind her. "What is the plan once we reach Phorys?", she smiled and sat beside him.

Korah: Heir of GnamaleaWhere stories live. Discover now