Chapter 1: New Semester, Same Drama

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Harmony sat in Dr. Randle's Government class wearing her new pair of rimless glasses that went well with her skinny jeans and long-sleeve black shirt. She wasn't ready for classes to start, that's why she was sitting in the back with Richard—of all people.

In all honesty, Harmony was enjoying her winter break. After she caught a flight out of Atlanta she went back home and spent the holiday with her mom and dad, without the nuisance of Sam. She didn't bring up Laurent but she didn't act like he didn't exist either. They texted off and on but he was a talk on the phone type and she had to go against her will to tap 'decline' and answer it.

"You're dumb as hell," Will threw out as he pointed to the beanie wearing guy in the corner of the room.

Dr. Randle wagged her hand at Will from behind her podium, "Sir, there will be no profanity in my class. If you can't convey your point without cussing do not share it with the rest of us."

Will kissed his teeth as he dropped his back against the black plastic chair, "Confederate statues have no place in this society." He drummed his fingers on the desk. "That's all I'm saying."

"They're culture relics depicting a time in American history." Sinclair Abernathy rebutted from the corner of the room.

Harmony frowned at him. She didn't know much about him but from what Sean told her, he was the son of a dentist and paramedic from Mobile, Alabama. She couldn't tell he was a Dixie born and raised from his appearance; the blue jeans, white t-shirt, gray cardigan, and beanie covering his brown tresses hid it well but once he spoke the hipster illusion was ripped away.

"They're relics used to inflict fear and superiority." Harmony cocked her head towards Sinclair hardening her gaze unafraid of his furrowed brows.

"Thank you!" Chris clapped her French-manicured hands loudly. "Take it down."

Sinclair shook his head at Harmony's words and Chris' declaration, "So, we're just supposed to take down the statue of James Longstreet."

"It should have never been put up," Richard added before lifting his traveler's mug to his lips.

Kirsten was quiet as she intently watched the debate swell around her as Nick quickly jotted down the name James Longstreet in his notebook.

"Why should we have statues erected for individuals that lost?" She shrugged nonchalantly. "Should Germany have a statue to Hitler? Or Stalin? I'm supposed to be fine with statues of men that believe my people were animals."

"I didn't say their ideology was correct." Sinclair scooted to the edge of his chair. "I'm just saying—"

"That they should be honored." Harmony blurted out.

Dr. Randle stepped from behind her podium, "That's all the class today and I loved this discussion." She raised her voice-over the rustling of the students packing up their things. "But next time let's stay on topic and learn about Monarchies."

Richard saluted as he passed by Dr. Randle and Harmony shot the professor a smile as she pranced out the door and into the hallway teeming with eager freshman and under-excited upperclassmen.

"Harmony!" Someone yelled her name and she stopped and turned around.

Harmony huffed as she placed eyes on the person that called her, "Do you need something?"

"I'd like to further our discussion." Sinclair readjusted his backpack strap on his broad shoulders.

Harmony pushed her thick, curls out of her face. "That's okay. You can be down for the confederacy..." She shrugged taking a step back.

"But I'm not." He blurted. "I'm just arguing a point...isn't that what lawyers do."

"But you're not a lawyer."

"I want to be and...some of my family's into...the whole confederate history thing."

Harmony nodded slowly, "Good to know." She glanced at her watch. "But, I have to go."

"We can meet up and discuss."

Harmony snapped her fingers, "Let me think about it."

"Hey." The voice that accompanied the face she hadn't seen since last semester. He stood at her side and she leered up at him with emotion-free from of her face.

"Wesley." Harmony didn't mean to sound surprised. She knew she'd run into him eventually and had to talk about the status of their relationship. She just didn't want to do it on the first day of class.

Sinclair stood in front of them bobbing off his heels.

"Can we talk for a minute?" Wes asked gesturing to the door behind him.

Should Harmony give Wes a minute of her time? Should she meet up with Sinclair?

Should Harmony give Wes a minute of her time? Should she meet up with Sinclair?

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A Necessary Struggle: Spring SemesterWhere stories live. Discover now