10. Cheater

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Diana's POV.

What in the hell was wrong with Niall? We confess our feelings for one another, which was really hard for me, then I leave him for 10 minutes and come to find him making out with some skank who works behind a desk? He wasn't going to do this and get away with it. Not to me.

I barged right through the door, without them noticing. Obviously they're too intrigued in each others mouths to notice me. 

"Niall?" I said loud enough for him to hear.

I watched as they tore apart from each other, and stared straight at me. 

"Diana, it isn't what it looks like. I promise it didn't mean anything. She threw herself at me, I tried to make her stop." He studdered.

Bridget HAD to butt in, "Please. Niall, don't lie to her face, she's seen enough already." She turned to me, smiling. "Hun, your friend and I, kinda have something going on. He's just not that into you, sorry." Niall tried to protest, but I stepped in instead.

"First off, don't call me hun. Second, Niall, you can have her. Everything I said earlier, was a lie. Sorry I did it, I just didn't want you to be upset, I had to pretend like i shared mutual feelings. Yeah, I'm really in love with Harry Styles. Ring a bell?"  Of course I didn't like harry like that. He was like my brother for crying out loud! But if he was gonna kiss other girls, and do this, I had to play along to.  "Good luck with Bitch. Oh, I mean Bridget." I looked straight at her smiling. Then back at Niall, who had tears in his eyes, and locked eyes with me, before turning away, and walking out of the office.

I leaned in closer next to Bridget's ear, "Stay the hell away from Niall. Haven't you had enough yet?"

She smirked at me, "Oh but doll, you just told him you didn't liek him anymore, and you lied. Who do you think he'll go to now?"

"Puh-lease. I can talk to him. You damn well know I do love him, and I only said that because of you. And I-"

"Oh, welp, I guess you should have told him that. I have his number, and I will be getting back with him. It's kind of sad actually. That you don't get it. Diana, we have a past. We are getting together again. And right before we started kissing, he told me that he loved me more than anyone else. And that he could never have feelings for you again."

I started sobbing. "No he didn't. You're lying! Niall would never say that!" I then realized I was crying and yelling in that office room, with other patients. I stormed out the door, and ran outside to my car. Niall was sitting inside. 

Niall's POV.

While I was looking through the cases of different colored contacts, I noticed Bridget in the corner of my eye, staring at me, while twirling her hair. I rolled my eyes at her, when she cupped my chin, and turned it towards her, so I was looking directly at her.

I jerked away quickly. I know what she is trying to do. And I also know that the girl I love is outside this room. I'm not going to direspect her like that. I mean, we aren't like officially dating, but close enough. 

"Niall, don't be that guy."

"Bridget, I told you. I'm not interested anymore. We've been threw this already."

"Come on baby, I know you still want me. Don't you remember what you told me the day I left? You said you would always love me."

"That was when you left. I tried to get you to stay. But that was before I found out the reason you left, which was because you were cheating on me with that stupid jock guy.  I was younger, and more naive, Bridget. I didn't know what love even was."

"Oh, and now you do?! All because of that girl outside?" She yelled, and I flinched.

"No, not just because of her, but yes mostly."

"Niall, I cheated, because he made me. I didn't want to leave baby, but he forced me to. And you weren't that young, it was just a year ago. I don't understand why you would turn me down, just for that snooby stuck up bitch out there!"

"Do not ever call Diana a bitch! Look at you, Bridget! You are the stuck up bitch, not her!" I felt my face flush, when I looked around to see everyone in the room staring at me.

Suddenly, Bridget crashed her lips into mine.

 I tried to pull away, but she grabbed hold of the back of my shirt, and held me still.  Fuck. I can't pull away now. She was holding me in place, snoggling me. 

I was about to pull away again, when suddenly, someone barged through the door.  I looked up, and stepped back from Bridget, seeing the one who came in was Diana. 

Oh my god. This can't be happening. Diana, please no. This is it, she's going to get the wrong idea about what she just saw.

"Niall?" She asked, her voice quavering. 

Diana, baby, please don't get mad at me. Oh gosh...

I knew I had to say something. I thought about hugging her. Wrapping my arms closely around her waist, and gently kissing the top of her head. "Diana, it isn't what it looks like. I promise it didn't mean anything. She threw herself at me, I tried to make her stop."

She looked like she was going to break down right in front of me.

"Please. Niall, no need to lie to the poor girl. She's seen enough." That annoying voice came talking, and ringing through my ears. Oh how badly I wanted to take Diana, and walk out of this whole damn place. I glared down at her, and she smiled bitchyly at Diana. "Oh hun, me and Niall kind of have something going on. He's just not that into you. Sorry."

She did not fucking just say that... She was gonna get it from me! But as soon as I tried to speak,

Diana did instead. Wiping her eyes, when I knew for a fact she was crying."First off, don't call me hun. Second, Niall, you can have her. Everything I said earlier, was a lie. Sorry I did it, I just didn't want you to be upset, I had to pretend like i shared mutual feelings with you. I have feelings for someone else. Harry Styles. Ring a bell?  Good luck with Bitch. Oh, I mean Bridget."  She rolled her eyes the bitch before us, who we both despised. 

I listened intently to what I just heard. Then realized what she had meant. Se just told me she was lying and didn't really like me. How could she do this to me? Why would she do this? I really had feelings for her.  I felt tears prick the corner of my eyes. I had to get out of here. I walked out of the room, leaving the two girls behind. 

I got outside, ready to drive myself home, or maybe to Ms'B's. I wasn't sure. But coming outside, searching the parking lot reminded me. "Shit" I mumbled to myself. "Shit, shit, shit!" I didn't drive here. Diana drove me! How can I srvive a car ride with her, after I just found out her real feelings.

And why does she 'love'  Harry fucking Styles?! Isn't he dating one of her best friends or some shit? And they've been like siblings since they were little lads and girls runnin around. It's all confusing... I decided to just sit in the car, and put my headphones in. And wait for her, when she came, I'd ignore her until she drove me to get my truck.

Diana's POV

Niall was in the car. And he was just staring at the window, with his hood on. 

This was it. I thought to myself. It was now or never.

I needed Niall to know the truth. The truth that I didn't really love Harry, he was my brother-Okay, so I did love him, but not that kind of love. I loved him as family. Not the same as I do for my little Irish Nialler.

I smiled at the ground, knowing if I said the nick name aloud, he would blush ever so slightly.

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