13. Dedicated

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Diana's POV

"Diana! Lauren is here!" I heard my mother yell from downstairs.

Lauren was here! My sister! Finally. She was 14 when I was 7, but she insisted on living with my grandma and grandpa. So we only saw her once in a while.


When I saw her, I ran down the stairs so fast, but each step I took towards her, she seemed to be taking a step back. "Wait! Lauren, come back!" 

I ran, until we were outside, and she looked as if she was running away from me. Why couldn't I come any closer to her? What is going on? I turned around, to walk back to the house, and when I did, I heard a scream. I ran in Lauren's direction fast, but when I got there, there was nothing but a big oak tree, and a black car driving away. And on the side of the trunk, there was blood. Kidnapped. My sister was kidnapped and killed. 

"Diana! Diana! Diana, get up!" Oh no. The murder had come back to get me, I ran, screaming back to the house, when I tripped. I fel to the ground, and continued crying.

"Diana! Get up!"

I jolted upright, and was crying frantically, and shaking. I looked around, and realized it was just a dream. All my friends were sitting in a circle around me, with cups of water, cookies, and pillows and blankets. The slumber party. I must have fallen asleep first.

"Diana? Are you alright?" Georgia pulled me in for a hug. I'll admit it, I felt way better hugging my best friend, but there was only one person I wanted to be with right now.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just a bad dream." I announced.

"Was it about Lauren again?..." Perrie asked.

"Yeah.. Listen guys, I'll be right back, okay? I just need a minutes of fresh air."

 They all nodded their heads, and moved out of the way of the door, so I could leave the room. I ran downstairs, and grabbed the phone, and walked to the front porch. I dialed his number as fast as I could.

"Hello?" The voice on the other line answered. 


"Diana? Are you okay? Why are you crying? I'm coming over." He was really worried about me, and it calmed me down a bit.

"Niall, I'm okay. I just had a bad dream. I called you because I needed to hear your voice. I'm sorry if I woke you up." I said quietly.

"Don't be sorry. I was bound to wake up soon anyway." I could hear the humor in his voice.

"So you usually wake up at 4 in the morning?" I asked, giggling now.

"Yeah, sometimes." He laughed along with me. In the back ground, I heard the slam of a door.

"Is everything okay? Did you fall or something?"

"No. I'm fine. Listen, everything will be alright. It was just a bad dream, okay? I gotta go."

"Alright.." I said, slightly dissapointed, but feeling much better. I was still sniffling though. I probably sounded pathetic.

"Alright, babe. Just calm down, drink some water. It'll all be okay. Goodnight Diana."

"Goodnight Niall. I love you." Instead of him responding, I heard the click of the phone. Did he really just hang up on me? Well, I guess it is 4 in the morning, and I woke him up. He had a right to be annoyed. I decided to go upstairs, and tell the girls I was sorry for waking them up, and I told them I was going to sleep in the living room by myself. They argued back, saying they wouldn't leave me alone, but I insisted. They finally put their guard down, and let me go.

I laid down on the couch, about to fall asleep, when I heard a truck pull up by my house. Oh God. Who could that be? Why would somebody come here this early in the day? What if they are going to rib me?

I grabbed a butcher knife from the kitchen, and walked to the front door. I didn't know what I was planning to do with a knife, but it seemed like a normal thing to do at the time. I slowly opened the front door, when I saw the firgure in front of me.

"Niall!" I dropped the knife on the ground, and jumped into his arms. 

He smiled, and held me in his arms, and then set me down. "Can I come in?"

"Of course you can" I smiled back at him.

I let him in the door, and locked all the locks behind us. "So, all the girls are here right now. But they're upstairs, I told them I wanted to be alone down here. So if ya want, we could like watch a movie or something. Or you know, we don't have to, we could do whatever. If " I was interupted with him colliding my lips with his, and him leaving a trail of kisses along my forehead, making me blush furiously. 

"How bout that movie?" He whispered, sending chills down my spine.

"Alright." I smiled, and pecked his lips again. 

We made our way to the couch, having to hold each others hands, because it was so dark. And for a split second, my old little Niall was back, when he tripped over a table leg, and sent us both to the floor, before we started laughing until our stomachs hurt. We finally recovered from our laughing fit, and found our way to the couch, we had three huge blankets, and four pillows. My couch was pretty big, so Niall lay in the back, and I curled up in a ball next to him. We decided on Grease.

 When the movie was finished, we were both still awake, but I was more comfortable then ever. And I felt safe and protected.

"Diana?" I heard him mutter against my hair.

"Yeah, I know, you have to go now." I began to grow a bit sad.

"No. I was actually wondering if I could sleep here tonight. I don't want to go home, and wake up my mum, she's been working  a lot lately.

I knew I was smiling like an idiot when he said this. The fact that he wanted to stay here, and he was sweet enough, to think about his mum first. "Niall, of course you can stay. I'm pretty tired though, so let's just go to bed."

"Good idea. I love you Diana."

"I love you Niall."

He kissed my cheek, and about 10 seconds later, I heard him lightly snoring. I could stay here forever. I fell asleep almost instantly after him.


It was morning now, I knew because I could see the bright sun through my eyelids. But I didn't feel Niall beside me. I rolled over, and saw that he was gone. That was when I heard the yelling. 

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