14. Daddy's Little Girl

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I knew who the yelling was coming from. Why was my dad home? He wasn't supposed to be here until tonight. Before I could comprehend anything, I had jumped off the couch, and ran to the kitchen, and that's where I saw it all. 

"Do not ever show your face back at this house, understand?!" My dad yelled in Niall's face. I saw Niall take a step towards my father, and my dad raised a fist.

"Daddy, stop it! Stop it right now!" I yelled, sobbing by nowLuckily he heard me just in time. He put his hand back at his side. 

"Diana, can please tell me why this washed up loser was sleeping with you on my damn couch!" 

"Sir, I told you nothing happened. She was upset, so I came over. We watched a movie, and fell asleep. That was it!" Niall shot in my father's face.

"Dad, Niall is right. Nothing happened. I swear that was all." I cried to him.

Niall walked away from my dad, and came to me, hugging me tightly. But that was when I felt somebody pull the back of my shirt, and nearly pull me onto the ground. I stumbled backward, and turned around, only to see my dad and Niall fighting. Georgia was the one who pulled me away from Niall. 

I turned to her next. "Georgia, why did you pull me away form him?! I could have been protecting him right now! What is your problem?" I yelled at her.

She grabbed hold of my shoulders and shook me a bit. "Diana, I just saved you. While you were standing there hugging him, your dad ran at him, and was about to punch him. Instead you were in the way. Diana, he almost just hit you, I just moved you out fo the way."

I cried and cried. I hugged her and still heard the yelling from the kitchen, but none of the girls would let me leave the living room, to stop them from fighting more.

At last, I had had enough. I pushed down Sophia, who stood in my way, and shook off Perrie who grabbed onto my leg. and ran towards the kitchen. "Daddy, please. Please stop hurting him! You don't understand!"

"Diana, go back in the living room. He was trying something with you, and he won't get away with it! He is just another low life, scum bag. He will just drag you down with whatever he has planned in his life. He probably doesn't even have normal parents, or a normal home. And you think I'll let him take my only daughter wo be with him, in his poor broken home? I don't think so."

Those words are what made my blood boil. He had no right to say any of that. And he made the wrong choice of doing so. I grabbed on to the back of his shirt collar, and he realized, so he stopped wrestling Niall on the floor. He stood there and stared at me blankly. And Niall did the same. 

I raised my hand in front of my father, and slapped him as hard as I could across the face. By now, I knew all of the girls and Niall were watching. "Listen, dad. I love you. And mom. A whole lot. But you don't get to control my life anymore. I'm 18. I'm going to graduate in a couple of months. I love Niall more than anything in this world. He treats me right. He doesn't try to make me say or do things I'm not ready for. Yes, he lives with his mother. No, they aren't the richest people in the world. but it doesn't matter. All that matters is what happens between me and him. D not ever call my boyfriend a low life, or a scum bag. You have no right."

For a few minutes, everyone was silent. Then my cellphone in my pocket rang, breaking the silence.


"Hi sweetie!" My mom's voice rung through my ears.

"Hi mom."

"Is everything okay? You seem so down. And where is your father, he was supposed to check on you, and come back, but he still hasn't. Is he there? Can I talk to him?"

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