9. Contact Problems

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Diana's POV

I pulled my little car into the only available parking space, and grabbed my purse, and hopped out of the car. This was turning into the best day, and I plan to keep it going like that.


"Yeah, Niall?"

"Why are we here?" He was definitely confused.

"Contacts, silly. Why'd you think?" I asked, giggling, while pointing to the big sign in front of the building, that read : 'Contact Central'.

He cocked his head sideways at me, while we walked towards the heavy glass doors. "I'm buying contacts? I have glasses, you know."

"Ha, funny. No, I'M buying your contacts. And I know, but this way, you'll be able to wear contacts or glasses, anytime you want." 

As soon as I got a hold of the door handle, to swing it open, Niall grabbed my wrist. As soon as he did, I could feel it again. The tingling, burning kind-of feeling. I looked at him, and smiled, only to find him frowning. "What is it?"

"Diana, you're not buying them for me."

"Niall, yes I am buyign them. This was my choice, and I OFFERED." I pulled my wrist out of his grasp, and the feeling left, making me shiver a bit. Why is he being so difficult? He needs to let me baby him once in a while, I thought annoyingly to myself.

"No. You bought me coffee, confessed a peice of your life story, and now you think you're going to buy me hella expensive contacts? Not happening. Sorry, babe." He chuckled to himself, and turned around, walking back to the car.

Babe? Oh no. He is not going to turn back now. "Niall, please quit throwing a fit, and come back over here!" I whined at him. He stood frozen in his place for a moment, before walking back over to me, still standing by the door. "You're being ridiculous. Last night, you got in a fight, because of me, and have a black eye. So I bought you coffee. Then before the party, you got yourself all dressed up, and stuff, for me I'm guessing, so I figured, that since you wear glasses all of the time, you might like the option after yesterday, to not have to deal with them. I am buying them, so if you won't wear them, fine. But I'm buying them." 

I had to look over at him, just to see the look on his face, before I entered the store. He looked shocked, and obviously defeated, which pleased me. Realizing he had lost his side of the arguement, he opened the door behind me, and followed me inside, sighing.

That's what I thought.

"Why are you smiling to yourself? Cause you won?" Niall asked, looking kind of sad, but then soon started to smile.

"No, I knew I would convince you. I'm just that kinda girl" I told him, winking. 

Once we reacht the front of the line, I practically had to pull Niall away from the door. 

The young woman behind the desk, in her short pencil skirt, and her extrememely low cut blouse, looked up at me, when she frowned. "What can I do for you today?"

 What is this girl's problem? Why was she frowning at me, and rolling her eyes? Whatever, get over it, Diana. She probably is having a bad day. 

"I umm..We're looking to get him some contacts" I announced, gesturing towards Niall, who was standing awkwardly in front of a bunch of children's colorful blocks, and car toys. I looked back up at the girl behind the counter, and she was staring a Niall. And when I looked at Niall, he was staring at her. Honestly, it kind of worried me.

Maybe they know each other from somewhere? I sure have never seen her before though. 

My phone started ringing, so I hurriedly pulled it out of my back pocket. It was Sophia.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Diana! Where have you been? We've been worried sickk about you!"

Why were they worried? I had left a note. Or did I forget to put it on the table? "I left a note on the table though. Right?"

"Yeah, you did. But you'v been gone for three and a half hours. I didn't think it would take that long to get breakfast, and run a couple of errands!"

"Okay, I'm sorry! We'll probably be gone for another-"

I felt someone tap my shouolder, so I spun around, it was the lady that was frowning at me, who stood behind the desk. I looked at her name card, and it read that her name was Bridget. "Umm, yes?" I asked her.

"Yeah, me and your friend are going to the back room, where the contacts are, so he can pick some out." 

Was this bitch serious? She was hella rude. Rolling her eyes, frowning, bringing MY Niall into a different room? Umm, no. Who does she think she is? "Oh, cool. I'll be right there."

"Oh, that's gonna be a problem. You can't come back there. Only a worker and the person getting the contacts can be in here." 

"Oh..Uhh...That's fine then. I'll just wait here."

"Good" She said, flashing me a fake, and ugly ass smile. I glared at her, while she went towards Niall, extending her hand at him. He looked at me, and hesitated for a moment, before taking her hand into his. 

"Stupid bitch" I muttered.

"Excuse me? I have always been there for you. Through fucking everything! And I was worrying about you, so you call me a bitch? Diana, what is wrong with you?!"

I didn't remember I was still on the phone! "No! Sophia, I wasn't talking to you! You should know that I would never say that to you!" I said, suddenly realizing how many people were staring in my direction, because I was raising my voice. Yeah, I probably won't come back here. 

"Oh...I believe you. Well who were you talking to then?" 

"Okay, so we came to the contacts place, to get Niall some contacts, right?"I stepped outside, just to make sure nobody heard me. "So there's this girl working behind the front desk. Well, the whole time we've been here, she was frowning at me, rolling her eyes, and then, she was telling me, that her and Niall had to go to the back room, and since I wasn't getting contacts, I couldn't come with them. She's fucking ridiculous!"

Maybe I'm being over dramatic, but I doubt it. 

"She does sound like a total slut. You need to go check on them. I mean I trust Niall, but you never know. If he's stuck with a tramp like that, I mean, anything could happen..."

"Thanks for putting thoughts in my head! Alright, I'll go check. I'll call you back in a bit, alright?" I explained, while walking back into the clinic. 

"Okay, good luck. Bye girl."

And with that, I hung up the phone, and started walking towards the doors, I watched Bridget go through. I didn't want to barge in, and be like stalkerish, so I just looked through the little window that was above the door.

I expected to find him looking through cases of different contacts, and Bridget bending over, pointing occasionally, trying to draw attention towards her breasts. But instead? I found something totally different happening behind these doors.

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