15. Permission

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Once Niall went in the room, I ran out from behind my hiding spot, and scampered to the window, and I peeked through. The door was still open, so I could hear everything.

I watched as Niall grabbed a stool, and pulled it to my dads bedside. I listened to each thing that was said. "Mr.Brookings, sir, I know we got off on the wrong foot. So I'd like to take this time to make this right. My name is Niall Horan. I just turned 18 two weeks ago. My father left my mom and I when I was 4. Me and my mom have a house, we keep up with all our bills, she has a good paying job. At school, I get bullied. I have straight A's, and always have. I used to wear glasses, but are soon getting contacts. Long story." I couldn't believe he was still admitting stuff. Does he know my dad can't hear him? It meant the world to me that he was trying though, and that he is trying to fix everything. I continued to listen. "Sir, since the 7th grade, I have had a crush on your daughter, Diana. And just two and a half weeks ago, I told her my feelings, and she told me hers. I have fallen in love with her. I know I am the right guy for her. I make her laugh, smile, blush, annoyed. She always is happy, or relaxed. I make her feel safe and protected, she told me herself. She is the most beautiful girl I've ever layed my eyes on. You don't know how angry it makes me when we walk through the store, and a guy looks at her. I don't even like it when we are eating at a restaurant, and she tries to give the waiter an extra tip, because she says he was 'polite'."

This time, I was crying. I was sitting behind a hospital window, and inside was my boyfriend trying to convince my dad that he is right for me. Everythign he said made me love him that much more. Just because he was spilling it all.

"So. We are graduating soon. Diana and I. We will be on our own. Off to college, and to pursue our careers and dreams. And I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I wanted to get your permission,- the father of the girl I love- to marry your daughter."

What? He was going to ask me to marry him? When? We've never talked about this. Ever. Oh my God. I just pushed away Niall, and not even 5 minutes later, he's making plans about marrying me. This is insane. 


I snapped out of my crying happily fit, and stood up from the window, where Niall was standing before me. 

"Niall, di-did you mean all of that? I mean really mean it?"

"Of course I did. Diana, when I say I love you, I mean it. I will marry you. One day babe."

I jumped in his arms, and was about to kiss him, when we heard the beeping. "Daddy!"

We both ran into his room. Niall was frantically asking me what we should do, he really was worried. "Niall, calm down! It's okay, get the doctor. Quick!" 

"Okay! DOCTOR JONES. DOCTOR JONES. DOCTOR FUCKING JONES." He was screaming, he probably woke up the whole damn place. 

Before the doctor actually came in, my dads monitor was finally at a normal pace, as if he was awake! Maybe it wasn't coma, just unconsciousness! 

"Niall. Son. Please quit yelling." His hoarse voice said.

I was crying, and laughing more than ever. I must have looked crazy right about now. "Daddy! You're awake! I'm so sorry. Niall will never come to the house when you aren't home. I promise. Dad, I love you so much. You are the best dad I could ever ask for, I'm sorry." I cried hugging him like we were about to die ourselves.

"It's okay, pumpkin. I'm sorry too. Could you step out. I need to talk to Niall." He asked me sweetly, but still quietly.

"Alright. Sure, dad. I hugged him again. and kissed him on the cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too."

I walked out of the room. I decided to go get the girls, and my mom. So I ran to my room, and told them to go see my dads, they all practically pushed me down trying to go, he was like a dad to them to. Mostly Georgia. And then I went to the cafeteria to get my mom. 

When she saw me, she stood up quickly. "Is he okay?"

"Mom, he's awake! Dad is awake!"

She clasped her hand over her mouth, and ran to me, hugging me, then we both held hands, and started towards his room again. I peeked my head around the corner, and saw Niall and him were still talking, I let them have their space this time.

Niall's POV

When Diana went out of the room, I grew a bit nervous. I didn't know what he wanted to talk about. He couldn't hear everything I just told him, could he? I guessed he wanted to tell me to leave right now, and not come back. I was ready for whatever he was going to say. I would stay with her no matter what.

"Niall, sit down." I did as I was told. "Niall, I need to admit something to you."

"Y-yes, sir?"

"Just a little while ago, you came in here, and gave me some long speech about yourself, and how much you love my daughter. I heard all of that."

Oh no. He's gonna say I can't marry her. "Alright. So you heard everything?"

"Yes, everything. I also heard the part about you wanting to marry my little Diana. I would say no right off the bat. BUT, the fact that you came in here, thinking I was in a coma, you still came, and told me everything, and started from the beginning. It got to thinking, that maybe I should give you a chance. Now about the last part. I respect that you asked for my permission first. Most guys wouldn't do that. But you did. And I like that. Niall Horan? I give you permission to marry my daughter, Diana Broookings." He smiled at me, and I smiled back, I hugged him until I thought he couldn't handle it anymore. "Alright, alright. That's enough touchy stuff. I don't want you to purpose, until after graduation though. And if me and her mother aren't there to see it, then i want you to have somebody recording her reaction, understood?"

"Yes sir."

"Stop with the 'sir' stuff. You can call me Dave."

I'll go get Diana, and everybody else." I turned to leave, right when I reached the door, he spoke up again, "Oh, and Niall?"


"Thank you. For making my little girl happy."

I nodded, and smiled, and called in everyone else. Peggy was the first one to come in, kissing, and hugging Dave like crazy. He finally gently pushed her off, and motioned for all Diana's friends to come over. They all laughed and ran to him, and gave him one big group hug, then Diana, and her mom joined in. I laughed at the way they all acted like a family. And how close they all were.

I wish I had that. It was just me and my mom. Greg, my older brother had moved out a few years ago. He never calls, or comes over either. I snapped back to reality, and saw Perrie waving her hand, telling me to come in on the hug. So I did. I joined in, and we were all happy in that very moment. It seemed like I had a family once again.

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