12. The Dance

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I circled the lot of the school about 10 times before I found a spot. I grabbed my purse, and made my way to the door. When I walked in, there were what seemed like hundereds of kids. And the lights were flashing so many colors, the music was blasting through the speakers so loudly, it hurt my ears.

I decided on lookig for my friends first. I checked the bathroom, supply closet (you never know), the DJ table, and outside. I guessed the last place was the snack bar, so I made my way over there. Sure enough, there was Georgia, Harry, Eleanor, Louis, Perrie, Sophia, Liam, and- Wait, is that-Blake? Where was Zayn? And why was Blake with my friends, wrapping his arm around Perrie? And did it even bother Georgia? It didn't seem like it.

"Georgia? Can I talk to you for a sec?" I piped up finally.

"Diana!" All the girls screamed at once. They came all together, hugging me.

"Guys? I can't breathe" We all started laughing, as they let me go. "But really, we all need to talk. JUST us girls." They nodded their heads, and told their dates they'd be back soon. We snuck out of the back door, since we aren't allowed to go outside, without permission. Once we were out, they all looed at me, silently, nodding their heads, waiting for me to speak.

"Okay. I'll try to be as calm as possible. I'm just wondering, WHY IN THE HELL ARE YOU WITH BLAKE AND NOT ZAYN?!" I shot at Perrie.

Her eyes started to water, before she signed, and turned to all four of us. "Look, guys. I have something to say, but you can't tell anyone. I didn't tell you before, because I knew you would hate me, and never want to be my friend again. We just blinked at her, dumbly, urging for her to continue. "I have just been feeling lately that Zayn doesn't really care or love me anymore me." We all hugged her, and then she got  text from someone. She broke apart from our hug, and started to cry.

It was Zayn, she showed me her phone, and I read the messages. 

Zayn: Hey, Perrie?

Perrie: Yeah?

Zayn: I'm really sorry I didn't show up tonight. I know it is important to you. 

Perrie: It's alright, I understand.

Zayn: No. You don't. The reason I'm not there, is because I'm planning a surprise for you(: x

Perrie: Oh really?(; What surprise?

Zayn: You'll see. I'm coming to pick you up in 10. We have an important date, and something we need to talk about. I love you so much. <3 xx

Perrie: Alright(: I love you more<3 x

"Oh my God, you know what this means, right?! He's gonna pop the question!" I screamed with the other girls. I think it's to early to get married, but maybe it will work out. I was just extremely happy.

We talked about it the whole time of doing Perrie's make up, and we walked out, to the spot where we left all the guys. A slow song came on next, so they all went with their dates, and I stayed behind. 

This was a time when I was seriously missing Niall. I decided to get some punch, so I grabbed a red cup, and reached for the spoon, at the same time as somebody else, and the whole bowl, tipped over on my dress.

"Shit!" I screamed, a few couples turning to look at me and snicker.

"Oh my God! I am so sorry mam! I did not mean to-"

"Niall?" I could barely see the person, with all the flashing lights, but I recognized his voice anywhere.

"Diana?" He asked.

I didn't even answer him. I dropped the cup, forgot about the stain on my dress, and jumped into his arms, causing him to drop his cup as well. I hugged him so tight, I thought I might kill the guy. I was so happy to see him. To have him actually return my hug. I have been waiting for this, since the second he drove away in his car that day.

After what felt like a mili second, he let go, so I took a step back. "Can we talk somewhere? Alone?"

At first, I was worried he'd say no, but then, he nodded.

He surprised me, by taking my hand into his, and entertwining our fingers. I wasn't going to complain. Inside, I felt like I  could fly. I was so happy right now, nothing could ruin this moment.

Except for that.

In this perfect moment, the queen of all bitches walked through the door. Bridget. I didn't know she went to my school? I guess that is just a couple hours a week job she has there. I looked up at Niall, as soon as he saw her. I thought for sure, he'd let go of my hand, and go over to her. Instead, they made eye contact for a second, and she batted her eyes at him, and smiled.

But the anger boiling up inside of me, flowed away, as soon as I felt lips crash into mine. It seemed as if nobody or anything else was happening, or in the world right now. Just me and him. It was the most amazing thing I've ever felt with someone. I broke our kiss, and looked for Bridget, but she had ran out of the building.

I thought he would have done that to make her jealous, so I was going to walk away, but then he pulled me back, and we did it once again.

"Niall?" I said in between short breaths.


"We. Have to. Talk. Still" I giggled against his lips, remembering we were with a gym full of teenagers.

We pulled away, and walked outside.

"Niall. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean any of what I said that day. You have to know that. Please believe me. I can't live without you, Niall Horan. I love you. So fucking much. Please forgive me?" I sobbed into his shoulders once we were on the front steps.

"Diana Brookings. I love you more than life itself. I thought you said all that because you meant it. And I thought you said you loved me, because you were trying to make her jealous. I'm so sorry I doubted you. This past week has been shit without talking or seeing you. I accept your apology, under one condition." He babbled on.


"Will you be mine? Diana, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course I will! Niall, foreevr, baby."

He leaned forward, and pecked my lips, then my forehead. The he bowed in front of me, and held out his hand. 

I placed my hand into his. "Why thank you, kind sir."

"My lady, can I have this dance?"

We walked inside, telling each other jokes, and laughing until we were about to cry, when another slow song came on. This time it was 'Autumn Leaves' by Ed Sheeran.

We danced for the whole song, and then another, and another until we could barely dance anymore. I looked at the time on my phone. I didn't want me time with Niall to end. I hadn't seen any of my friends since the fruit punch accident though. And now I onyl had 10 minutes left with him. Make that 2, cause I need to find my friends.

"Niall, I have to go." I looked at him in the eyes, sadly.

He pulled the puppy dog face on me. "Why? Please don't go, babe."

"I have to though."

I pressed my lips into his, and his tongue flicked across my lips, asking for an entrance. I let him, and it lasted for a sec, before I pulled away. Our foreheads toucking, and us catching our breaths. "I love you, Niall."

"I love you, Diana."

I grabbed my bag, and walked away, watching Niall go outside to his car. I hated watching him go.


I heard Sophia's voice yelling over the music, I spun around, and saw all my friends, and their boyfriends all leaving together. "Girls? Sleepover at my house? My mom and dad are staying with my grandma for a few days. So the house is mine this weekend!" I told them, all of us juping for excitement.

We all piled in each of our cars, and drove to my house. 

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