1. Bus Ride

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Diana. Why would my parents name me Diana? I have no idea. It's like a 60's name or something. My friend Georgia doesn't have a great name either, so I guess we're pretty even. Oh, I said friend, I meant best friend. We are practically sisters. So we have this thing in common. We are suckers for love. High school love. And we both had reputations to keep. You know, a senior, same school for four years, I had a lot of people to impress. I mean everyone, except the freshmeat knew who I was. I was friends with everyone, I didn't hang out with all of them, but I was friends with all of them. If that makes sense... So anyway, I get up, I get dressed, do my hair, make up, and everything, and then I heard yelling from downstairs.

"DIANA?!!", came the yelling voice. Of course I knew exactly who it was. Dad. My dad was always in a rush in the mornings, only because he has to get up at like 4 o'clock, and plan all these meetings for his whole office staff. Which is about 50 people, crammed in one little staff meeting room. So he has to wake up really early, so he can write and plan a bunch of crap, so by the time I wake up, he's in a pretty pissed off mood. I knew if I didn't come downstairs that minute, I would get yelled at some more, so I ran down the stairs.

"What, dad?", I said rolling my eyes.

He glanced at me quickly, while gathering all his papers and placing them in his suitcase, "Can you read a clock? Do you see what time it is?"

7:20, and the bus came down my street at 7:30. "Yes dad, I see what time it is. I still have ten minutes, relax.", I replied. I was just slightly annoyed, that he thought just because he is rushed, that everyone else should be. "And where's mom?"

"Ten minutes isn't going to get your shoes on, grab your bag, and walk down the street all the way to the bus stop. And why are you always worried about-", He protested, suddenly stopping.

I was already up the stairs and in my room, when I still heard him talking. I guess he finally relized I wasn't going to be standing there listening to a lecture, so I went back upstairs. I got my shoes together, packed my bag, and went back downstairs. Luckily my dad had already taken off to work. I still wasn't sure where my mom was, but I didn't bother to go look around the damn house for her. 

"Bye mom!", I said yelling at the top of my lungs. I waited for a reply, but nothing came. 

Fine, I thought, I guess I'll see her after school, when she asks me a million questions about my day, takes me shopping, and makes me this huge meal. My dad is always just absorbed into his work, but my mom on the other hand, was at home all of the time, taking care of me and the house.

When I got to the bus stop, all the nerds were there, but not Georgia. What the hell, she didn't tell me she was skipping school today? Georgia Rose, I swear to god, if she skips, I am going to slap her when I see her next. Then again, maybe she had an appointment. After all, her daddy was a dentist.

Screech. God, can the bus driver not slam on his squeeky brakes right in front of me? Every morning, he does that. I'm beginning to think he does it on purpose. Someone suddenly interupted my thoughts, "Good morning!"

Of course, not only squeeky brakes, but the yelling. Does he not understand it's early in the morning? "Good morning", I finally manage to spit out, trying to put on a fake believeing smile. 

And of course, as soon as I got on the bus, there was just about no empty seats. But as soon as I walked down the aisle, all these people, from 7th grade, and up, we're all waving, and calling my name. "Diana! I'll save you a seat tomorrow!" "Diana, how was your summer?" "Hey, Diana, do we have any classes together?" So I guess it was safe to say, I was kinda popular. But with no empty seats, I had to sit by one of the nerdiest guys in my high school.

Niall Horan. I swear, all he did at lunch, was sit with teachers, and talk about different kinds of books. And he didn't have a Twitter, or facebook, or any social media account. As far as I know, He did'nt even have a life outside of school.

"H-h-hi", I heard someone studdering beside me.

"Hey, Nialler", I said, giving him a quick glance.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him smiling. I'm not sure if it was because I talked to him, or because I gave him a cute nickname. But he smiled, and then looked back over at me, "Nialler?"

"Yeah. Is it alright if I call you that? Or do you not want me to?", I asked him.

He frantically started shaking his head, "Yes. No, I mean no it doesn't bother me, and yes you can call me that."

I smiled at him, and agreed. I guess, in a weird, not hot kinda way, Niall was actually kinda cute. You know, if he lost his huge glasses, and exchanged his bottom up shirts, for some t-shirts. And didn't spend his free time with teachers.


Hey guys! So this is my first fanfiction. Something you should know; I LOVE One Direction, so this is a 1D fanfic, (obviously) and I'd appreciate nice comments, please?(: Feel free to message me, and thank you for reading and voting!


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