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"Oh my god! It smells sooooo good!"

"I know! Do you think I should buy it?"

"It would smell so nice on you. And I bet Ren would like it too!"

"Watanabe-San! You're going to make me self-conscious about buying it now..."

"Ayame! I told you to call me Sumire."

It had been a little over a week since Sumire Watanabe joined the Flapp Club. Talking with her was so natural, I was shocked we'd never connected like this sooner. She and I had become such great friends, finding a lot in common and going places together — we'd go anywhere.

It was crazy. You found the best friends in people in the most unexpected ways.

As the cashier hands me back the new perfume I'd just purchased, I turn to Sumire and smile broadly at her. She giggled back in response and clapped her hands excitedly.

"Now we both have the same perfume!" her smile is so wide and bright. So genuine and so honest, just like the beautiful violet she was named after. I grin uncontrollably back at her, taking great pride in the blossoming friendship that was between us. I hadn't felt this happy in so long. To think I would be hanging out with another girl at the mall in such a short time after....

"So...Sumire...what do you think about the guys in our club?" The two of us begin walking toward an escalator and I strike up a conversation.

Sumire turns red in her cheeks a little bit before she answers, "We've only had one meeting since I've joined, but I think we all connect really well together. There's such a great atmosphere when we meet. Ren is really sweet and I can tell he likes you because he doesn't look at any other girl..."

She pauses and I look at her expectantly. She lowers her head and scratches her cheek nervously.

"Uh...and Hinata..."

I know that look!

"So you have a crush on him!" I said to her. She looked shocked, but I wasn't very surprised. Over half of the girls in my class usually found themselves dazzled by him at some point. Not to say that Sumire was just following the leader. I used to have a crush on him in middle school, but it didn't last long.

"Yes! H-How did you...?"

"I can tell by the way you say his name."

"Ahhhh! You can't tell anyone! Especially not him! Not before I can tell him myself."

"Of course I won't tell him! But it's kind of nice, isn't it? You get to spend time together since the two of you are in the same club now. It sounds super romantic!"

Sumire slides her arm into mine, linking them together, "I have you to thank for that! To think the two of us could get even closer...And you and Ren—"


I wasn't watching where I was going as I was chattering away with Sumire. The result was a collision against what felt like a tall, rock hard wall. I was in the middle of an apology when I felt a cold, rough hand wrap around my wrist locking it in a painful trap. I squeaked and jerked my arm back as I looked up into the smug eyes of my captor.

2 tall, muscly guys were standing before us, staring down with a sleazy gaze. I made a disgusted noise as my stomach twisted at their look.

"Hey, girls. You're pretty cute. What do ya think of spending time with us? We could be your new boyfriends." The one on the right reaches for Sumire and she swings at him, but he manages to catch her hand mid-air.

Poppy and Lotus [COMPLETE] Where stories live. Discover now