I Want You To Stay (delena)

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I want you to stay.

Dear Diary, Waking up was a nightmare. All along I believed that I could do anything, I had the will, and there was a way. It's funny how one blimp of a second can take it all away. I get better, stronger, and more hopeful every day. But nothing will be the same. Pray God, I can cope. -Elena

I woke up to the sound of what I thought was a glass of whisky being poured. Damon. I squint my eyes and roll over to only confirm my thoughts.

"Damon?" My voice didn't sound like mine, I'm changing every day.

"Ah, Elena, finally you're awake." He said and raised an eye brow, holding up a glass with lite brow heaven in it.

I reached out with one hand, the other holding the sheet to cover my breasts. He slowly walked over and sat on his side of the bed. He leaned down and kissed my lips tenderly then handed me the crystal glass. I licked my lips and thanked him. He pushed his dark faultless messy sleep hair out of his face and watched me with eyes as blue as a perfect sky.

"What time is it?" I asked taking a large drink.

"It's nearly nine." He said and watched me become more and more awake.

"So this is my 'morning coffee'?" I joked. Damon was the one to joke with. He was a very sarcastic man.

For a second I just wanted to stay here in the moment. My sweet, sweet Damon. He was a different man around me; a true gentleman. I noticed him staring at me over the tip of my glass and I turned my head.

"what?" I smiled

"Nothing, you're very beautiful when you just wake up." He said with a smirk to die for. I instantly blush scarlet for the millionth time just this morning. There aren't many things that I'm sure about anymore, but the one thing I know for sure is that I'm completely, deeply, and madly in love with this man.

I bit my bottom lip out of habit and rose up more. He scooted over to give me room as I sat the empty glass on the bed side table. I got up and wrapped the perfectly cotton white sheets around my bare skin. Making my way over to the bathroom, I turned on the water to start a bath, start a brand new day. Moments after the water was hot enough that I was satisfied I dropped the sheet to the floor leaving my body exposed to the fresh air and exposed to Damon's line of view; I didn't care. I slipped one foot in, the scalding water touched my skin, but I didn't notice the extremity of the heat. The bubbles I'd poured in began to rise as I sat down in the tub. Instantly I leaned my head back against the back of the bathtub and throw a freshly dipped washrag over my face; just what I needed. Damon walks in the room and I could hear him before he even got up from the bed. With the towel still on my face I'm only ears. I hear the ruffle of jeans wadding up and being tossed on the floor, following with the lite drop of a shirt. Damon slips one foot in carefully in between my thighs and then the next. Sitting down, he faces me, but doesn't yet touch me. I feel his strong manly hand reach out and touch my arm. I get a cold chill even in the water as hot as fire. His touch is like refreshing ice through my already cold veins, but I go with it; I'll go with anything for him. I'd do anything for him. He grips my arm and I can feel myself sliding forward to him. He pulls me and turns me so that my back is up against his chest. Instantly, I lay my head back on his shoulder like I had done when I got in by myself. He whispered words into my ear, but I was too lost in the feelings in the air that circulated between us. He gently took the washcloth off of my face and tossed it down by our feet. I slightly looked up to meet his eyes and he gives me a tender smile that could shudder ones heart. Oh Damon, my sweet Damon. I felt the need to turn around and kiss him intensely, but I hold back, hold back for his move. He wraps his masculine arms around me and I feel safe. I lay my head back down on his shoulder, but keep my head cocked to the side so that I can look him in the eyes. He looks down and meets my eyes, and that's all it takes. I lift my chin and purse my lips to meet his. He meets my lips and the cliché fireworks put on a grand show in my mind and heart. The power of the kiss, his kiss, is like nothing a human could imagine, because being a vampire, being us, intensifies the power of love. Damon moved one hand to cup my cheek as he pulled me closer. His flawless teeth closed over my bottom lip sending shivers up my spine. I turned to face him and wrapped my legs around his hips placing myself in his lap. He held his other hand on the bottom of my back and I ran my fingers through his hair. Quickly, with leverage of his shoulders I lifted myself up enough to combine our bodies as one. Instantly his breath hitched and together we moved as one, slowly, but picking the pace up as we went. Together we are spontaneous, together we are dangerous, and together we are madly in love.

I Want You To Stay (delena)Where stories live. Discover now