Chapter eight

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Chapter eight

At first I thought that maybe, just maybe Stefan was pushing me out of harm's way. Maybe he was actually being good Stefan. I was wrong. Oh boy was I wrong. Stefan held my hands behind my back in a grip I could not break. He's a lot stronger now with all the blood he's been binging on. Stefan kicked open the door and pushed me forward. Damon and Caroline stood close to the far wall and Jeremy stood next to the opposite wall. Caroline and Katherine had been arguing, but stopped dead in mid-sentence. Stefan pushed me towards Jeremy and let go.

"Jer?" My eyes were wide and my voice was faint. I felt everything rush back in. I felt all of the pain all over again; seeing him alive and in the flesh was next to crippling. I started towards him with a smile but he didn't smile back. I stopped.

"What's wrong?" I was inches from him.

"Elena, nothing is wrong... everything is right, now." His voice was different to me. This was not my brother.

"Jer? I don't understand."

"You wouldn't, Elena, and you're right, I'm not really your brother. He's sort of just ... a vessel. Oh, but he's in here alright..."

I cupped my mouth and backed up.

"Where are you going?" He laughed

I backed up until I backed into Stefan, who wrapped his arms around me so I could not move.

"You let her go!" Damon shouted.

Stefan lifted my feet off of the ground slightly and towed me back to Jeremy. Face to face with him, Stefan put me back down on the ground.

"What do you want from me? Why are you doing this to my brother?!" I cried.

"You could blame Bonnie for the whole brother situation... I could have used anyone, but your friend Bonnie made things just a little too simple. She tried to bring your brother back, she did. All those witches warned her that there would be consequences...So I leaped for the opportunity. With all this talk about the cure being tossed around, I felt it was my time to make my move. Silas? He's a piece of cake...he can't touch me. I've got the cure, Elena. And with your blood do you know what I can do with this cure? I can live forever,"

"Forever... It just rolled right off his tongue; forever." I thought.

"Why my blood?"

"Because, you're the doppelganger and you're also a vampire. But most of all, you and I share the same bloodline."

"I won' can't!" I started to fight my way out of Stefan's arms.

Damon threw Katherine who had been pinning him down off of him in frenzy. Stefan let go of me and charged at his brother.

"Stefan no!" I screamed.

Caroline started to run towards me, but Katherine bolted and pinned her down. This could not be happening. This was not real, this is a dream! This ...this is war.

I was alone, face to face with my brother.

"Don't hurt them." I said calmly.

"I don't need them." He raised an eyebrow.

Katherine pulled Caroline up by the neck of her shirt and with her free hand drove an uppercut to her jaw. Caroline winced but returned the favor. The two were back and forth. Stefan grabbed Damon by his neck and Damon grabbed Stefan's. With clinched teeth Damon let go with one hand and punched his brother. Stefan threw a few blows to the ribs. This is war.

I looked back to see everyone I cared about being hurt. I turned back to face Jeremy and it clicked. This is not my brother.

"You can't have me." I grinned.

"Oh?" he cocked his head to the side.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't ask." He grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me close.

I tried to kick and punch, though it was hard to aim. He twisted me around and pulled my back to his chest. I drew my elbows back to get away, but it didn't seem to faze him.

Caroline brushed herself off and rose to her feet. Katherine wiped the blood from her lips with the back of her palm and the two rushed towards each other yet again. I turned back to look at Damon; he was facing me. Stefan had a grip on his neck, but Damon kept his eyes on me. He looked to me and then to Jeremy and kept repeating the action. I looked to Jeremy to see what Damon was looking at, but didn't notice anything except for his next move. Jeremy drew his fist back and punched me hard. My neck snapped to the side as his knuckles struck my face. I caught Damon's eyes again. This time I knew exactly why he was looking at the both of us. Jeremy has the cure. My eyes darkened red and the ice cold veins drew from my eyes. With a turn of my heel I pushed Jeremy back; he didn't go far. This was it; I knew what I have to do. I have to get the cure. With the flick of his wrist, I flew back into the wall and was inches from Damon. It'd been so long since we had been this close. Stefan quickly punched Damon and I was back on my feet. I darted back to Jeremy and pounced onto him. There was a shard of glass inches from his head. I leaned forward and tried to reach it. Jeremy pushed me off of him and trapped me under him. I managed to grab the shard and jabbed in straight into his heart.

"It's going to take a lot more than that!" He screeched.

"Jeremy! I know you're in there! Please!" I was out of breath.

He pulled the shard out and drew it across my cheek. Blood smeared on the glass and trickled down my face. With his thumb he traced the blood.

Stefan drew is fist back once more. Damon's face was almost unrecognizable from the blood.

"Don't do this, brother." Damon said hazily.

Katherine stood over top of a limp Caroline. Caroline tried to raise herself up, but Katherine took her by both sides of the face and snapped her neck. Caroline's body fell back to the ground. Katherine joined by Stefan's side.

"Never thought I'd see the day." She sneered as the blood seeped from her mouth.

Damon was too weak at this point to fight his brother back and now that Katherine had joined his side, there was no hope.

I threw my legs up and kicked Jeremy back off of me. I kicked a chair and pulled a leg off and cracked it in half.

"Jeremy please!" I screamed and kneeled down to him.

"Stefan." Damon whispered and spat the blood from in his mouth. Katherine savaged a leg from the same chair and returned the sharpened piece to Stefan. Damon looked his brother in the eyes as he drew the stake back with one hand. Damon shut his eyes; he knew his brother was going to drive the stake in his heart. A second past and Damon opened his eyes. Stefan had turned the stake on Katherine. He stuck it so far into her heart that barely any of the wood showed.

"That's for my brother." He kicked her to the ground.

Damon nearly collapsed to the ground in relief, but Stefan pulled his arm over his shoulder.

I held the stake with trembling hands right next to my brother's heart.

"Come on Jer, fight him!" I cried.

I pushed the stake to his skin and blood began to ooze.


"Jer?" I pulled the stake from its pierce.

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