Chapter five

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Chapter five

I was dead set on getting out of here alive. Things can't end this way, I don't want to die alone. The room was dark and muggy. I was pinned to a chair and wrapped in vervain laced rope; and if I knew exactly where I was I would start plotting an escape. I wouldn't say I've given up on hope, more like just playing the damsel in distress. Damon will come for me, I have no doubt in my mind he won't.

The door flung open to the dark room that I was being held captive in. I heard heels walking towards me slowly. I tried to push the gag out of my mouth carefully with my tongue, but it too was laced. Squinting my eyes I can't tell who is in the room with me, whoever she is.

"Hello, Elena." That was a voice I knew, very well.

I looked harder and hear my own voice.

"Don't move it will only make the burn worse." She hissed.

Katherine. That bitch!

It was as if she could read my thoughts. Katherine took two steps forward and reveled herself. The moon light from a high up window beamed down on her face. I pulled against my restrains, but gave up; the burn was almost unbearable.

"You don't listen." She grinned.

Carefully she leaned down and snatched the gag out of my mouth.

"Now you listen to me, I have only one use for you; you see you are nothing to me, nothing. So if you cooperate we won't have any problems. Hell, I'm actually doing to a small favor and you don't even know it."

"What do you want?" I tried to hold myself together, sound strong.

"Oh, you see what I want is what you want, but I can't have it until I give you over."

"Give me over to who?" I demand.

She smiled her evil smile that I just want to tear right off.

"You'll see." She laughed low and with a spin on the heels she left the room shutting the door with a slam on her way out.

Damon shoved his phone in his jean pockets, threw his jacket back on and ran out the door. Though he did not want to, he knocked on Caroline's door. She peaked through and he nearly knocked her down.

"Come on; if you're going to help you better be ready fast!" He scorned.

Caroline knew he was not in a joking mood and was wise enough to sleep in her clothes; she was more than ready to jump up and go.

Caroline and Damon took off into the night exactly eight minutes after the phone call.

"So what happened? Where are we going?"

"Roanoke Island, Elena called me."

Caroline's eyes grew wide.

"She called you? How? Is she okay?" that was too many questions for Damon.

"Caroline, I'm more than happy to work this alone, please for the sake of your life shut up." Though she wanted to punch him and call him an ass she understood, so she did.

The room remained silent for what felt like eternity, but I knew nothing about eternity; not just yet. I just wished I knew what was going on, wished I knew what Katherine was up to. How is this a favor for me?

Once again the door flew open, this time with more rage.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance! You always have to ruin everything! Did you think I wouldn't find out about your little phone call to Damon? Aww, poor Damon coming to rescue poor little helpless Elena! I should have known!" Katherine was pissed.

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