Chapter two

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Chapter two

I got dressed in the bedroom that was now mine too. Damon remained in the bathroom. He brushed his hair and his teeth and was completely dressed before I had even decided what to wear. He walked into the bedroom and laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked

"Women; You all take too long to primp, and it's so not necessary." I shot him a look of 'that's just how we are' and he laughed yet again.

"Guess you'll never know! We do care about what I look like, you know. It's not as simple as rolling out of bed and shaking your hair around."

"Should be." He said and brushed his arm around my side as he passed me.

"Well, compare my long hair to yours," I do a dramatic hair flip "it's a lot longer and surprisingly, I do have to at least brush it or it turns into a rats nest." He smiled a half smile and raised an eye brow.

"I see." I looked at him with an 'I can't believe you just said that' face, letting my mouth gape open. I had not even brushed my hair yet and it in fact did look like a rats nest.

"Wow, thanks." I joked and he came up behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders as if to give a massage.

"You know I'm only kidding." He said with a grin that I could sense. I remained silent, not giving him the satisfaction. He let go and walked away. I turned to face him with a smile.

"You scare easily." I laughed.

"What?" He asked holding back a smile.

"You're pouting."

"I don't pout; pouting is so un-attractive for a man my age." I had heard that before, but not him admitting it about himself.

I walked over to where he stood and quickly gave him a kiss.

"Calm down drama queen." I teased more and laughed. He finally broke and laughed with me.

I walked out of the room and down the hall, nothing had changed here. I on the other hand had changed. Or at least I felt like a new person. I'm still having to get used to the 'new' me. I walked down the steps to find Stefan sitting on the couch, glass in hand.

"Good morning." He said with a quick raise of the glass. I smiled and walked over and poured myself a drink.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, but I didn't really feel the need to spill my guts over my new form, no need to tell him everything that I'm going through, so I decided to reply with the most generic of responses.

"Fine," I sat on the opposite couch. "How are you?" I added small talk. This was small talk. Ugh, I hate small talk.

He licked his teeth that had a small amount of blood lingering on them. "I'm great. No I'm better than great!"

Ugh, Stefan. A man I used to have so many feeling for, a man who I still loved after all he put me through, but now things were different. He was seriously a new Stefan, a new man. A man I was less attracted to and a man that I no longer loved. He offered me some blood, type O; the best in many opinions. I couldn't turn down his offer so I took the blood bag from him and finished it off. How was it that he was so weak? How was it that I could drink the bag of blood and control myself, but he couldn't? Damon strolled through the room and poured himself a glass, bourbon I assume. He came over and sat next to me. I feel the tension in the air, but choose to ignore it. I am so over this whole fight. I chose who I wanted, I chose Damon, and that's that.

"Hello, brother." Damon broke the awkward silence.

Stefan got up and walked over to pour yet another glass.

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