Chapter three

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Chapter three

The morning of the Miss Mystic Falls pageant, I woke up alone. I wasn't for sure where Damon was, but I knew he wasn't far; I could hear his voice. I lay back down and took a few breaths to try to wake myself. Pushing my messy hair out of my face, I forced myself to sit up. I looked around a bit disoriented; the light was shining brightly through the off white curtains. Damon entered the room, glass in hand. He came and sat at the side of the bed as I rose up more. My mouth was extremely dry and my craving for bourbon had become a daily occurrence; bourbon was a quickly acquired taste for me. I took the glass right from his hands.

"Good morning." Damon said with a smile and he tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear. I smiled at him and felt my heart palpitate.


I got up and walked over to the dresser. Opening the top drawer, I gathered a two piece set of undergarments. I turned back around and Damon had left the room. I walked over to the bed and laid out my accessories. Slowly I took off my night shirt and slipped out of my short flannel shorts and underwear. Naked, I stood in the room, but I didn't feel the least bit of discomfort. I took the top piece to the set of lingerie, the corset, and laid it out flat on the bed. I'm not exactly sure why I wanted to wear a corset, but the thought alone was very sexy. I slowly bent down and slid on the black lace panties that matched the corset and slowly lifted up straight. My legs shined and my body smelled of vanilla. I took the corset in both hands and wrapped it around my torso. The corset was an old fashion lace up from the back and this was a job that I couldn't do alone. At that moment I felt the touch of strong hands pulling the strings of the corset; gently, slowly, erotically. Damon. I cocked my head to the side, my right ear nearly touched my shoulder and I could feel Damon breathing down my neck. The warmth of his breath sent chills throughout my whole body. I felt him tighten the top half of the corset, but give up. For a second I let my mind wonder, but I jolted alive when he placed his full lips upon the nape of my neck. I felt his body tense and could sense his arousal as he possessively held me closer. I quickly turned around and threw my arms around his neck. Our lips joined almost violently, but passionately. His tongue invaded my mouth and I couldn't help but to moan. In sync, our breathing became rapid and I pushed him backwards on to the bed, but missed by a hair and fell to the floor. Damon's back hit first and I landed directly on top of him. He kicked out of his jeans within seconds and I rolled off of him onto the floor and he hastily was on top pinning my arms above my head. He led a trail of kisses from my lips down to my collar bones, in between my breasts, down to my naval, and trickily over to my right inner thigh. I bit my lower lip and the moment my arms were freed I took a fist full of his hair. He slowly got closer to what would eventually make me scream, but I pulled his chin up directing him back to my face. He kissed me fiercely keeping eye contact. I wrapped my arms around his back and allowed my nails to scrape against his bare skin and he let out a low chesty growl that nearly sent me over the edge. Damon pushed my legs apart with his legs and I was more than ready for him.

"Elena," He called out in an innocent voice

"Damon," I gripped his back tighter and my heart began to pump harder.

I could feel his arousal now, he moved in between my thighs. Leaning down, he placing his hands on either side of my head, hovering over me staring down into my eyes, his jaw clinched, eyes burning. I pulled my knees up and he pushed into me and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Our passionate love making became more quickly and more intense. I arched my back enabling myself to pull him down to a kiss. I unravel at his thrusts exploding around him as I climax and shattered into millions of pieces underneath him. As he reaches his climax, and as our aggressive love making comes to an end, Damon calls out my name in a plea of affection. He stills and gently collapses next to me. I turn my head a gaze into his eyes, still breathing heavily. With love in his eyes he watched me, watched my chest inhale and exhale. Staring into each other's eyes, he took my hand into his and ran his thumb along my knuckles slowly. Moments of intense exchanges of affection ended as my phone began to ring. I almost didn't answer it, I didn't want to. Part of me just wanted to blow off the whole Miss Mystic Falls pageant and stay with Damon all day like this, but I couldn't do that to Caroline. Damon got up and grabbed my phone and handed it to me with one hand as he helped me up with the other. I wrapped up in a robe and hit the answer button on my phone.

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