lady gaga x peppa pig: hollywood

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the crusty rockets began to moisturize themselves as pepa peg launched herself out of the cellar window. she was in hollywood

"lol. ugly" screamed the tiny saggy little pig baby as all of her limbs blew off in the strong winds. she saw ariana grande

ariana grande immediately noticed the horrific smell of pig feces that peepa pog let off in the wind

"hot" said ariana grande, as she was horrendously attracted to the fat british farm animal. "lol hi hot stuff xd!! wowza. wona make out" screeched arona grand. "no." said the tiny saggy little pig baby as she began to preform an occult ritual on the disgusting disney pop star.

"omg. u make me feel like a dangerous woman!" gargled the red haired arona grand. she began to violently tickle peppas thigh. "no. r00d! that is my sweet spot!" screeched the tiny saggy little pig baby as she inserted 12.9 jackhammers into arona grands left eye socket. "lol thanky hot stuff" said arona. peppa consumed her soul.

"lol time to be famous" said the tiny saggy little pig baby. she began to scutter on all fours as fast as she could. she scurried up a tree and spit acid into the eye of a moderately ugly preteen.

"thnk u. i will help u bcome famous like u deserve" said the moderately ugly preteen "good," said the tiny saggy little pig baby "you must go through initiation" said the tiny saggy little pig as she injected the greasy pubescent preteen with fetal juice.

they both traveled underground and sacrificed all of the most trendy teens of 2017 and drank their bodily fluids. "good. u are nearly there" hissed the pubescent preteen. "dab" chanted the tiny saggy little pig baby, as she preformed all of the most immature horrifically useless teenage trendy white dance moves.

"it is too late. lol!!" said the tiny saggy little pig baby as she stepped on a fly.

the preteen is dead

peppa scurried up the walls and began to vigorously vibrate her eye sockets. she flew to mcdonalds

she approached the moldy cashier and sung him the song of her people as she stole his blood sample. "no" said the cashier. "tell me how to be famous or i will sell your kidney to the black market XD" whispered the tiny saggy little pig baby. the cashier transformed into lady gas "lol bye bye ugly" said lady gas as she squired lemon juice in pepper pugs eyes.

peppa began to screech and melt. "lol hottie xd!!! lets date" said the tiny saggy little pig baby. she slurped a noodle she found on the floor.

lady gogo prefored her seduction ritual and sang opera. they went to prom

peppa is famous

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