late thxgiving special

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the turkey wriggled under peppas toe
"zoo wee mama" murmured peppa in TERRIBLE AGONIZING FEAR

"lol mry christmas peppa" said lady gigabyte
"um no sh its thanksgiving" said the tiny saggy little pig baby "ok" said lady gaga

it is now time to feast

peppa crawled inside of the turkey and created her nest
"xd" whispered peppa as she let out a small toot in the roasted bird
"yum" SCREAMED lady gaga as she devoured the turkey whole. it tasted of old pig toots

"lol im in ur belly" said the tiny saggy little pig baby as she kicked lady gags left lung. "oof. thats painful" sobbed lady gaga.

peppa began to do a small jig whilst her small farm animal feet tapped on her nasty gut
"tee hee that tickle" said lady gas as she had a horrible seizure on the ikea carpeting "happy thanksgiving my  s w e e t   l o v e" murmured the tiny saggy little pig baby

what r u talking about this is not vore u nasty

lady gaga x peppa pigWhere stories live. Discover now