John's story

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'Err... What?' Guy and Mat asked... confused...
Guy: 'What do you mean you remember everything?'
John: 'I... I thought.... I thought He erased my memories, but... apparently not.'
Mat: 'Oh, Err... yeah. We are really happy for you, but.. we still don't know who He is...'
John: 'Oh.. right.. I just thought I'd focus on Guy's... pro..blem...'
Guy: 'Err.. haha.. it doesn't matter.. it's no big deal now.. really..'
John: 'Well, anyways...  I'll start explaining who He actually is...'

*If the text is spelled Italic, then that's the part of the story which takes place in the past... the rest is in the present..*

John: 'It was a stormy night... everybody in my village looked for shelter in their houses.. if you could even call them so.. Our village wasn't the richest. In fact, my village was one of the poorest villages ever known. The 'buildings' were build with plastic and some ropes.. Our food consisted of some edible flowers and plants.. I lived with my family in the smallest house in town. We took cover under a big blanket. My mother sewed it for me when I was a baby. I always held it dear.. and I always will.. Then, my brother, sister, father and my mother were sleeping underneath that blanket. That same night, I finally knew that I would do everything to keep them safe...

At the same time I made that promise...
It was broken..'

*A few miles away from the village:*
Soldier: 'We are ready to go, Sir!'
?: 'Hahahaaa! Perfect! Lead the way! I will follow soon enough! Hahahahahaaaaa!'
Soldier: 'Yes, Sir!'
?: 'The two Guys.. Grrr! I HATE THEM! But...hehe... they won't even stand a chance... With this whole village transformed.. and forged.. into the most powerful creation EVER! The world shall know who to follow... who to fear.. Hahahahahaaaaaaa!'

Guy: 'Err.. John? Good imitation and all, but.. Who is this Evil Man?'
John: 'His name is.. Err... Well.. I don't really know his.. real..  name, but I know he has been called 'The Door' by the village...
Mat: 'Great.. another Door... Man! I HATE them! Not.. every door though..'
John: 'Well... anyways.. let me continue...'

'If you looked up while you're in the centre of our village, you could see a giant tower.. also made from plastic and ropes.. there were two people in that tower. They were called, The Watchers.. Even though our village was poor, those two people were the strongest and most intelligent of the village, possibly the whole world.. They looked into the darkness that surrounded the village and if they saw anything weird or dangerous, then they would inform our leader immediately. But after He came... Everyone knew.. that even when you've practiced for your whole life, you can't be sure that you won't make mistakes. Even the best people make the worst mistakes..

*At the top of the tower*
?: 'It sure is quiet.. isn't it? Amell?
Amell: 'It sure is, Alfred.. It sure is... I hope this will go on for eternity, this village might not be the best, but I can see a great future planned for the village.'
Alfred: 'Indeed, you know what? Let's rest now, I know we never do this, but we deserve it.. right?'
Amell: 'I don't know Alfred, I mean.. what if.. Oh well... We DO deserve it.. so... Let's rest..'

*at the gates of the village*
'The Door': 'Hahahaa! We finally arrived!'
Guard Hank: 'Stop! Who are you and what are you doing here?!'
'The Door': 'A poor village like this... does it even need guards? Oh well.. I guess guards as bad as you would fit in perfectly.. haha..'
Guard Erik: 'Answer his question!'
'The Door': 'Why would I? He's already dead... or should I say.. HE'S MINE!! HAHAHAHAAAAA'
The 'Door' took out a large machine.. he pressed a red button and soon after a bright light started to emit from the front of the machine.. Poor Guard Hank.. he was turned into... into...

Guy: 'into?? Into what?!?'
Guy: 'Wait what?'
John: 'Raaagh! Why? *crying*.. WHY?!?'
Mat crouched down and hugged John. All the while Guy was staring.. and thinking..
Mat: 'shush little Johnny.. everything will be alri...'
John: 'WHAT?! do you know?'
Mat: 'How do I know what?  Wait...  do you know something which I should know, but don't because i didn't really pay attention?'
Guy: 'summarized.. No..'
Mat: 'STOP IT!'
Guy: 'I CAAA...'
Guy: 'OOOOUUUCH! OWIE! Wait what... WHY?!?'
Mat: 'Well.. To put it shortly.. you wouldn't stop.. I wouldn't stop.. So I slapped you... Oh, I forgot.. I'm sorry.'
'Well, thank you for remembering..' Guy mumbled.
Mat: 'Why did you scream though?'
Guy: 'Because you scared the living daylights out of me.. Why did you scream?'
Mat: 'I thought you were thinking.. You're usually quiet for hours whenever you do that..'
Guy: 'Oh... Right..'

Mat: 'Anyways..  John? What don't I know?'
John: 'Err.. Well.. my.. my mom used to call me Little Johnny, so... err.. you can use it, but please don't use it too often. It really hits me like a brick sometimes..'
Mat: 'Oh, alright.. I'll try..'

*1 minute later...*
Guy: 'OUCH!'
Guy: 'I hit myself with a brick.. ouch.. isn't that what John said?'
John: *sigh* 'I didn't mean it literally...'
Guy: 'Oh Err.. whoops..'
John: 'Where was I again? Oh.. Right.. Err..Hm..'
Mat: 'What? What is it?'
John: 'Only the remaining villagers know what happened after He defeated the guards.. I just know the part which I heard and conflicted with my... childhood.. I'm sorry I couldn't give more information...'
Guy: 'Sorry? You shouldn't be! You just told us like.. a quarter of your past! We thank you for that... I.. should be sorry I can't tell you anything about my past though.. I.. don't remember anything from my childhood..'
Mat: 'Don't worry Guy, we'll figure it out soon enough.. we have another problem.. defeating The ,so called, Door and...' *gasp*
Guy: 'What? What is it?'
Mat: 'Oh my... The... The village.. We forgot to return to our village! Oh no! Quickly! Pack your things!'
Guy: 'AAAH! You're right! Hurry!'
John: 'Uh oh...'


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